This tool lets you filter structured data using ripgrep. Supported formats:
- JSON - output objects where a specific key matches a pattern
- CSV - outputs rows where a specific column matches a pattern
- tar - outputs a new tar file with only files that match a pattern
- length-prefixed text - given an input of
, outputkey
s whentext
matches a pattern
Ripgrep is powerful, but sometimes you need to use the power of ripgrep over only a certain field, column or entry
within a stream. Imagine you are downloading a very large tar file from the internet but only need files that match
a specific pattern - you can pipe the download into srg
, filter out files you don't want and then pipe the contents
into tar
for extraction or other processing.
$ curl "" \
| jq -c '.[]' \
| srg 'LIMITED$' json 'bank_name'
"bank_name":"OTKRITIE SECURITIES LIMITED","routing_number":"708856653","swift_bic":"AANLGB21"}
$ cat tar_file.tar \
| srg 'some.*pattern$' tar > filtered_tar.tar
$ curl \
| srg '^Republic.*' 1 --delimiter=';'
Central African Republic,...
Czech Republic,...
Dominican Republic,...