css-grid 2.0.14
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @fdmediagroep/css-grid@2.0.14
Install via package.json:
"@fdmediagroep/css-grid": "2.0.14"
About this version
FDMG CSS Grid with Flexbox fallback. Gap-size is 1rem
npm i --save @fdmg/css-grid
Import both if you need FlexBox fallback otherwise only include the Grid.
- Grid:
import '@fdmg/css-grid/css/grid.css';
- FlexBox:
import '@fdmg/css-grid/css/flex.css';
To maximize accessabilty there is no default (font) size set as we want to use the browsers' default default size. Setting the root font-size in your project to 62.5% will result in 1rem = 10px. Then define your font-size for your project (i.e.) as 1.6rem for 16px. This will ensure proper scaling of units.
<div class="grid">
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-12 l-12 xl-12">
Takes full width regardless of screen width
<div class="grid">
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-12 l-12 xl-12 gap-bottom">
Takes full width regardless of screen width and adds a gap below
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-12 l-12 xl-12">Place below previous column</div>
In case your browser doesn't support CSS Grid you may still want to have a gap between the columns. In the example below
you can see gap-3
is added as CSS class. With this you're telling the Grid that there are 3 gaps in the widest view.
It will know what to do when the screen becomes smaller and the responsive system kicks in.
<div class="grid">
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-4 xl-3 gap-3">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, 1/2 on m and full width on smaller
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-4 xl-3 gap-3">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, 1/2 on m and full width on smaller
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-4 xl-3 gap-3">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, 1/2 on m and full width on smaller
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-4 xl-3 gap-3">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, 1/2 on m and full width on smaller
<div class="grid">
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-4 xl-3 gap-3 gap-bottom">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, 1/2 on m and full width on smaller
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-4 xl-3 gap-3 gap-bottom">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, 1/2 on m and full width on smaller
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-4 xl-3 gap-3 gap-bottom">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, 1/2 on m and full width on smaller
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-4 xl-3 gap-3 gap-bottom grid">
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-4 xl-3 gap-3 gap-bottom">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, 1/2 on m and full width on smaller
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-4 xl-3 gap-3 gap-bottom">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, 1/2 on m and full width on smaller
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-4 xl-3 gap-3 gap-bottom">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, 1/2 on m and full width on smaller
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-4 xl-3 gap-3 gap-bottom">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, 1/2 on m and full width on smaller
Note that we declare a gap-3
which is used when 4 columns are shown next to each other. gap-2
will start its
override when the last column turns full width.
<div class="grid">
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-4 l-4 xl-3 gap-2 gap-3 gap-bottom">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, m and s and full width on smaller
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-4 l-4 xl-3 gap-2 gap-3 gap-bottom">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, m and s and full width on smaller
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-4 l-4 xl-3 gap-2 gap-3 gap-bottom">
1/4th on xl, 1/3 on l, m and s and full width on smaller
<div class="xs-12 s-12 m-12 l-12 xl-3 gap-3 gap-bottom">
1/4th on xl, full width on smaller
- Note: the
CSS classes are only necessary when using the FlexBox fallback.
You can show/hide elements for their respective screensizes using xs-hide
, xs-show
, s-hide
and s-show
Special case xs-hide
, hide-lt-m
etc. will hide only for screen sizes with a max-width
of XS
, M
etc. So it will not affect other screen sizes.
For instance:
<div class="xs-12 xs-hide s-12">Will still show on screens larger than XS</div>
<div class="xs-12 hide-lt-m">Will not show on screens smaller than M.</div>
<div class="xs-12 hide-lt-l">Will not show on screens smaller than L.</div>
All other show/hide classes are calculated through min-width
so will affect larger screen sizes.
For instance:
<div class="xs-12 s-hide">Will not show on screens larger than XS</div>
<div class="xs-12 s-hide xl-show">
Will not show on screens larger than XS and smaller than XL
<div class="xs-12 s-hide l-show">
Will not show on screens larger than XS and smaller than L
There is a paddings/margins system in place which allows you to use fixed CSS classes to apply paddings/margins to elements. The naming convention is as follows <device size>__<padding|margin>[+-]<multiplier>
Each increment is +0.25rem
. So if <device size>__<padding|margin>+1
is 0.25rem
then <device size>__<padding|margin>+2
is 0.5rem
and <device size>__m-1
is -0.25rem
<div class="xs__m-0">sets margin to 0 for device sizes xs and up</div>
<div class="l__m+6">base margin multiplied by 6 for device sizes l and up</div>
<div class="xs__m-0 l__m+6">
devices smaller than l will have margin 0 larger devices have a base margin
multiplied by 6
<div class="xs__pt+5 xs__pr+5 xs__pb+5 xs__pl+5">
padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-left has base margin
multiplied by 5
<div class="xs__p+5">base padding multiplied by 5</div>
<div class="xs__m-5">base margin multipled by -5</div>
Paddings can't have negative values.
- 0
- -1/+1
- -2/+2
- -3/+3
- -4/+4
- -5/+5
- -6/+6
- -7/+7
- -8/+8
- p: all paddings
- pt: padding top
- pr: padding right
- pb: padding bottom
- pl: padding left
- m: all margins
- mt: margin top
- mr: margin right
- mb: margin bottom
- ml: margin left
There are many issues regarding the FlexBox fallback. It does not mirror all features available with CSS Grid. One of such issues is the gap. When you want to implement a more advanced responsive layout I.e. 4 columns becomes 3 columns or even less and you want to hide the extraneous column then the gap space will not be shown correctly.
npm install
npm run dev
- The demo will run on
- The demo will run on
npm run build:ci
- css-grid
- FDMediagroep
- almost 3 years ago
- 38 dependencies
- css-grid-2.0.14-npm.tgz
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