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Hai Zhu haiszhu
CCM @flatironinstitute good good study, day day up...

Flatiron Institute New York

Tiago Cogumbreiro cogumbreiro
As a CS reseacher, my goal is to advance the foundations of parallel programming, by improving the quality assurance of languages and runtimes.

UMass Boston Boston, MA, USA

Abel Jonathan Mavimatics
A detailed applied mathematician enchanted by the wonders of numbers and programming.

L'Aquila, Italy

Yichen Tao ychtao
Ph.D. student in CSE @umich B.Eng. @sjtu

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, U.S.A.

Minal S Patil minalspatil
Explainable AI, Machine Reasoning

Umeå universitet Umeå, Sweden

Jimmy Situ jimmysitu
CPU Micro Architect


Ariel Kellison ak-2485
PhD student, Cornell computer science. CSGF fellow. Formal methods and numerics.

Cornell University Ithaca, NY