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full-author-bio-block 5.19.1-arc-themes-release-version-

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @wpmedia/full-author-bio-block@5.19.1-arc-themes-release-version-
Install via package.json:
"@wpmedia/full-author-bio-block": "5.19.1-arc-themes-release-version-"

About this version


The Full Author Bio block displays the author's photo, name, role, bio, and social media links.



Prop Required Type Description
lazyLoad no Boolean Determine if the block will wait until the block is on screen before rendering

ANS Schema

ANS Fields

  • authors[0] Only uses first author
	authors: [
			_id: "janedoe",
			byline: "Jane Da Doe",
			role: "Senior Product Manager",
			email: "",
			facebook: "",
			rss: "somersslink",
			twitter: "janedoe",
			bio: "Jane Doe is a senior product manager for Arc Publishing. This is a short bio. ",
			longBio: "Jane Doe is a senior product manager for Arc Publishing. \nShe works on Arc Themes",
			instagram: "janedoe",

Internationalization fields

Phrase key Description{socialMediaKey}-connect Social network specific messaging from the shared global translations


Event Listening

This block does not emit nor listen to any events.