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180 repositories
PublicDevelopment repository for the php cookbookpostgresql
PublicDevelopment repository for the postgresql cookbookhaproxy
PublicDevelopment repository for the haproxy cookbooknscd
PublicDevelopment repository for the nscd cookbookaws
PublicDevelopment repository for the aws cookbookchef-ruby-lvm-attrib
PublicA fork of for use with the chef LVM cookbookyum-almalinux
PublicDevelopment repository for the yum-almalinux cookbookyum-remi-chef
PublicDevelopment repository for the yum-remi-chef cookbook- Configuration repository for the terraform-github-repository terraform code
PublicDevelopment repository for the elasticsearch cookbookdocker
PublicDevelopment repository for the docker cookbookchef-splunk
PublicDevelopment repository for the chef-splunk cookbooknfs
PublicDevelopment repository for the nfs cookbookgrafana
PublicDevelopment repository for the grafana cookbooketcd
PublicDevelopment repository for the etcd cookbookmysql
PublicDevelopment repository for the mysql cookbookrepo-management
PublicRepository to handle shared code used in mass management of Sous-Chefs repositoriessublimechef
PublicA Sublime Text 2 Package for authoring Chef related files- Configuration repository for the terraform-github-membership terraform code
PublicCommunity Health Files for Sous-Chefs reposlvm
PublicDevelopment repository for the lvm cookbookselinux
PublicDevelopment repository for the selinux cookbookapache2
PublicDevelopment repository for the apache2 cookbookopenldap
PublicDevelopment repository for the openldap cookbookcinc-omnibus
PublicDevelopment repository for the cinc-omnibus cookbooknagios
PublicDevelopment repository for the nagios cookbookjenkins
PublicDevelopment repository for the jenkins cookbookmemcached
PublicDevelopment repository for the memcached cookbookisc_kea
PublicDevelopment repository for the isc_kea cookbookntp
PublicDevelopment repository for the ntp cookbook