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ethereum-contracts 1.12.2-PR2048.133e693.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts@1.12.2-PR2048.133e693.0
Install via package.json:
"@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts": "1.12.2-PR2048.133e693.0"

About this version

Welcome to Superfluid EVM Contracts (v1) πŸ‘‹

EVM contracts implementation for the Superfluid Protocol

🏠 Homepage

πŸ“– Docs


If you're building a dapp using existing protocol or Super Token contracts, then you should use @superfluid-finance/sdk-core. Here you can find a list of networks where the Superfluid protocol is already deployed.

If you're building a smart contract that uses Superfluid protocol, or even your own SuperApp, then great! This is definitely the place to be.



Once you have set up your project, cd into its base directory and add the npm package:

$ yarn add @superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts
$ forge install superfluid-protocol-monorepo=superfluid-finance/protocol-monorepo@dev
$ # or using ethereum-contracts@v1.6.0
$ forge install superfluid-protocol-monorepo=superfluid-finance/protocol-monorepo@$(git ls-remote ethereum-contracts@v1.6.0 | awk '{print $1}')

Smart Contract

You can then import Superfluid interfaces or contracts into your contracts like this:

import { IConstantFlowAgreementV1 } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/interfaces/agreements/IConstantFlowAgreementV1.sol";

The paths in the npm package are the same as in this repository.

Writing Tests

For all future tests, we will be using Foundry as the main framework for writing property, integration and invariant tests. Please read this section if you would like to contribute to the test suite.

Testing Principles

The ultimate purpose of testing is to ensure correctness of expected behavior. We aim to write the tests in a way that is easy to understand, maintain and extend.

In order to achieve this we utilize a few techniques:

  • testing framework: to help with test harnessing and to provide a nice DX when writing tests which leads to nice DX when reading as well.
  • abstractions: to prevent code duplication and to make the test code less error prone and more readable, we use abstractions to abstract away common test code.
    • This includes helper functions which can be reused across multiple tests.
  • naming conventions & organization: this provides structure and makes searching and filtering for test files, contracts easier and more immediately understandable.

Types of Test

There are four types of tests that are written to ensure correctness: are property, integration and invariant tests.

  • Property tests aim to ensure correct behavior in isolation in a single function.
  • Integration tests aim to ensure correct behavior in the interaction between two or more contracts.
  • Invariant tests aim to ensure that certain invariants always hold true, no matter the sequence of functions being called.

Test Contract File Naming

Tests should be named in the following format: ContractName.(prop|t|invariant).sol depending on the type of test you are writing.

Folder structure

Tests should be placed in the test/foundry folder. The folder structure must follow that of the contracts folder. For example, if you are writing property tests for the ConstantFlowAgreementV1.sol contract, the test file will be placed in test/foundry/agreements/ConstantFlowAgreement.prop.sol.

Test Contract Naming

The naming convention for test contracts is taken from:

  • The contract you are testing (e.g. ConstantFlowAgreementV1.sol)
  • The type of test you are writing (e.g. property, integration, invariant)
  • The name of the contract will follow the format: ContractName.(Property|Integration|Invariant)Test e.g. the property testing contract in ConstantFlowAgreementV1.prop.sol should be titled:
contract ConstantFlowAgreementV1PropertyTest {

The reason for this naming convention is for multiple reasons:

  • allow for easy searching of test contracts using an IDE
  • allow easy filtering of tests to run locally or in CI

Test Naming

The naming convention for test functions must use camelCase and should be descriptive enough so the reader can have a good idea of what the test is doing before even reading the actual test code.

There are two primary type of tests written for unit and integration tests:

  • tests that are expected to pass
  • tests that are expected to revert

For passing tests, the naming convention for the function is: testADescriptiveName(). For example:

function testIncreaseFlowRateAllowance() {

For tests that are expected to revert, the naming convention for the function is: testRevertADescriptiveName(). For example:

function testRevertIfDecreaseFlowRateAllowanceAndACLCreateFlow() {

Internal Helper Functions

See FoundrySuperfluidTester.sol for examples of commonly used internal helper functions. If you are writing a test that requires a helper function, the helper function is prefixed with _ and uses camelCase to indicate that it is an internal helper function. For example:

function _assertFlowOperatorData(AssertFlowOperatorData memory data) internal {

It is also recommended to create and pass structs to the helper functions to make the test code more readable. For example:

// this is easier to understand what is going on before reading the _assertFlowOperatorData function
        superToken: superToken,
        flowOperatorId: oldFlowOperatorId,
        expectedPermissions: oldPermissions,
        expectedFlowRateAllowance: oldFlowRateAllowance +
            flowRateAllowanceIncreaseDelta -

// this is a bit more confusing and may require constant jumping back and forth to understand what is going on
    oldFlowRateAllowance +
        flowRateAllowanceIncreaseDelta -

Additionally, we use foundry's assert functions to make debugging easier by providing a descriptive and unique error message. For example:

assertEq(newFlowRateAllowance, expectedFlowRateAllowance, "CFAv1 ACL: unexpected flow rate allowance");


You may also want to check out some example dapps in the examples repo instead of starting from scratch. Clone a project, modify and play!

Deploying Superfluid Protocol for Testing

NOTE: you must deploy erc1820 registry before deploying the Superfluid protocol. You can do this by running npx hardhat run dev-scripts/deploy-erc1820.js --network localhost in the terminal.


You can import the deployContractsAndToken function from the dev-scripts/deploy-contracts-and-token.js file and use it in your testing scripts. It will deploy the Superfluid protocol and deploy Wrapper, Native Asset and Pure SuperToken's for you. Alternatively, you can execute npx hardhat run dev-scripts/run-deploy-contracts-and-token.js --network localhost to deploy the contracts and tokens to a local hardhat node, you will know this worked if you see the terminal window with your local hardhat node running spit out a bunch of things.


In foundry, you can use the SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer to deploy the Superfluid protocol in a forge environment (no local blockchain). For example:

import "forge-std/Test.sol";

import { ERC1820RegistryCompiled } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/libs/ERC1820RegistryCompiled.sol";
import { SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/utils/SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer.sol";
import { TestToken } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/utils/TestToken.sol";
import { SuperToken } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/superfluid/SuperToken.sol";

contract SomeTest is Test {

    SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer.Framework internal sf;
    SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer internal deployer;

    function setUp() {
        vm.etch(, ERC1820RegistryCompiled.bin);

        deployer = new SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer();
        sf = deployer.getFramework();
        (TestToken underlyingToken, SuperToken superToken) = deployer.deployWrapperSuperToken("MR Token", "MRx", 18, 10000000);

See SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer.sol for more details.

You can also deploy to a local blockchain (hardhat or anvil) via a forge script. For example, an example Deploy.s.sol file:

import "forge-std/Script.sol";
import "forge-std/Test.sol";

import { ERC1820RegistryCompiled } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/libs/ERC1820RegistryCompiled.sol";
import { SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/utils/SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer.sol";
import { TestToken } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/utils/TestToken.sol";
import { SuperToken } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/superfluid/SuperToken.sol";

contract DeployScript is Script, Test {
    function run() external {
        vm.etch(, ERC1820RegistryCompiled.bin);
        SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer deployer = new SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer();
        SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer.Framework memory framework = deployer.getFramework();
        (TestToken underlyingToken, SuperToken superToken) = deployer.deployWrapperSuperToken("MR Token", "MRx", 18, 10000000);

The command to run the script: forge script script/Deploy.s.sol:DeployScript --rpc-url http://localhost:8545.


If you want contribute to Superfluid protocol contracts instead of just interfacing with them, the setup is a bit different.

Setup Development Environment

Prerequisites: You need node.js v18+ and yarn installed.

First, check out this repository and cd into it.

git clone
cd protocol-monorepo/

Then install dependencies and do an initial build:

yarn install
yarn build

Now cd to the contracts directory:

cd packages/ethereum-contracts/

Then prepare an .env file (see .env.template). The most important config items are RPC endpoint (<X>_PROVIDER_URL) and a sender account (<X>_MNEMONIC), being a network specific prefix - e.g. OPTIMISM_MAINNET_PROVIDER_URL. If you provide an actual mnemonic, the key derived at m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 will be used. You can instead also set private keys (hex format) for <X>_MNEMONIC.

In order to get an overview of available config items, look for instances of process.env in truffle-config.js and in files in the scripts folder.


We aim to have 100% test coverage. This requires test code to be modular, just like the contracts themselves. The test file hierarchy in test/contracts thus reflects the contract file hierarchy in contracts. Mock contracts reside in contracts (not in the test directory, as is often the case), because that way yarn build will cache their artifacts in the build directory. This considerably speeds up test runs.

You can run either all tests, specific tests or test suites.

Run all tests:

yarn test

Run a specific test using the exclusive tests feature of MochaJS:

yarn run-hardhat test test/contracts/agreements/ConstantFlowAgreementV1.test.js

Run the test suite for core contracts:

yarn run-hardhat test testsuites/superfluid-core.js

The pretest script starts a ganache instance with deterministic accounts in the background, the posttest script stops it. When running tests with yarn test, those get executed automatically (see npm docs).

NOTE: You don't need to run the pretest and posttest scripts when running hardhat tests, but you do when running tests with truffle.

TDD Session

When working on the contracts, a test driven approach is recommended.


You should choose the tests relevant for what you're working on using the only keyword. You can put the only keyword at any level between whole test suites (only appended to a top level describe, e.g. describe.only) and individual testcases (it, e.g. it.only). With the testing scope defined, run:

yarn dev-hardhat

This has testsuites/all-contracts.js as its entrypoint, but if there's an only keyword at any nesting level in any of the tests traversed, only that selected subset of tests will be executed. The selected test(s) will run once when starting the session and re-run everytime you save changes in a relevant file.

You may also focus on a specific testsuite with yarn dev-hardhat:

yarn dev-hardhat test/contracts/libs/CallUtils.test.js

After finishing the session, you can stop the hardhat instance you started in the first step (Ctrl-C). Also, don't forget to remove only keywords from test files before making git commits.

To generate jpeg image charts from the test output run first install these dependencies: numpy, pandas, plotly and kaleido by running:

python3 -m pip install -U libraryName

After that is done, just simply run the testDataToCharts script and put the folder containing the csv files as the first argument e.g

python3 output


On the other hand, you can run the development session with foundry with the command: yarn dev-foundry.

Other Useful Commands

yarn run-hardhat # run hardhat
yarn run-truffle # run truffle
yarn run-foundry # run foundry forge
yarn run-nodemon forge test # use nodemon to run foundry test


Superfluid requires the ERC-1820 Registry contract to be deployed. That's because ERC-777 - the basis for Super Tokens - depends on it. If you use the deployment scripts as described above, that will be done automatically. If not, you may want to manually deploy ERC-1820 yourself. You can use ops-scripts/deploy-erc1820.js to do so.

In the scripts folder you can find several scripts for deploying/configuring/querying protocol contracts.

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The primary license for Superfluid Protocol is the GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL-v3), see LICENSE. Minus the following exceptions:

Each of these files states their license type.

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  • ethereum-contracts-1.12.2-PR2048.133e693.0.tgz

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