A mongoose plugin made for converting each field to an object containing a value and updatedAt.
This plugin supports Typescript, and exports two types:
TimestampFields<Original Interface, Keys without timestamp>: It gives you the type of the document with timestamps.
MongooseTFOptions: the options of the plugins. it includes:
- fieldsWithoutTimeStamp: an array of strings. insert the fields you want to ignore.
- setOnSubObjects(Default: false): an option to insert fields to a nested object without overwriting the other fields.
For defining Mongoose Schema, use getSchemaTypeForMongoose(type, required = false). for example:
address: getSchemaTypeForMongoose(String) // address: {value: 'Reuven Lerer 2, NZ', updatedAt: 2021-10-11T12:54:46.631Z} not required name: getSchemaTypeForMongoose(String, true) // address: {value: 'Efi', updatedAt: 2021-10-11T12:54:46.631Z} REQUIRED
This package was built specifically for some private projects. It may suit your project, But it probably won't work for you.
- TS: You should send the an "original interface" type object, but it may cause some issues with mongoose due to limited type support. Therefore, you can add
as any
after the object, inside the mongoose action (Like findOneAndUpdate)