You will need the following things installed proceedng:
Ruby (strange, I know)
MacVim (if you are on the Mac)
Make sure ctags and pycscope are installed. Make sure your (mac)vim is compiled with cscope support by running vim --version and look for "+cscope"; I had to uninstall my brew-built macvim and reinstall it with
brew install macvim --with-cscope
if you do that, the brew package for cscope will automatically get built as a dependency.
Check out the package:
cd ~/ git clone .vim
Create the symlink for the ctags config file (assumes you don't already have a ~/.ctags)
cd ~/ ln -s ~/.vim/.ctags .ctags
Install vundler:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
Source the config.vim file from the distribution at the top of your .vimrc file:
source ~/.vim/config.vim
Install the bundles using vundler:
vim :BundleInstall!
Compile the Command-T plugin
cd ~/.vim/bundle/Command-T rake make
Add something like this to your ~/.bashrc
export SSDIR=/Users/darrell/Documents/SwiftStack/ss alias ctg="pushd $SSDIR > /dev/null; ctags -R; cd; -R -f ~/.vim/cscope.out $SSDIR/ssman $SSDIR/ssnode $SSDIR/deploy $SSDIR/cloudbuilder; popd > /dev/null"
Currently, the cscope database is only refreshed manually when you run "ctg" (which takes about 5 seconds on a fancy Retina MacBook Pro), but the AutoTag plugin and our config will keep the tags database up to date as files are saved.
Despite the updated python syntax package, python highlighting still seems pretty poor. Strings, for instance, are not highlighted. How can I confirm that it's even working?
Is UltiSnips breaking SuperTab? Need to test SuperTab with other types of completion tasks.
See for cscope-in-vim info (tl;dr: Ctrl-\ s will search for occurrences of the symbol your cursor is on, Ctrl-\ c will search for callers of the method/function your cursor is on).
For ctags, see for more info (Ctrl-] will go to the definition of the method/class/etc. your cursor is on).