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Intermediate Document usage

Joannis Orlandos edited this page Aug 18, 2016 · 3 revisions

So now we're creating a new Array Document containing the numbers 1-10 like this:

var document: Document = [
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

If we want to append a new value to this array we can do it like this:



document += [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

Or if we want to append values to the Document as a Dictionary:

document.append(42, forKey: "universe")

Let's loop over our key-value pairs:

for (key, value) in document {
    print("key: \(key)")
    print("value: \(value)")

In an Array we'll have the key counting up from 0 and up. And in a Dictionary Document we'll see the keys as normal String names like username, _id and age.

Now say that we want to convert this Document to binary for storage or transfer over a socket we can take it's bytes:

let data: [UInt8] = document.bytes

let documentClone = Document(data: data)

Or if we want to convert this Document to MongoDB Extended JSON:

let jsonString = document.makeExtendedJSON()

If you receive a Document and instantiate it with Document(data: ...) it's not validated yet. You can do this explicitly by calling document.validate().

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