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An immersive visualization for optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans, enabling seeing inside tissue in 3D.


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Virtual Reality OCT

An immersive visualization for optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans, enabling seeing inside tissue in 3D.

Recipe for displaying OCT volumes in Unity and visualizing them in virtual-reality

  1. Preliminary steps (can be done with Matlab):
    1. Reconstruct the OCT volumes5.
    2. Detect blood vessels using speckle variance5 or any other angiography method.
    3. Save the volumes as .tif stacks
  2. The .tif stack includes the volume represented by pixel values in a 3D pixel location. In order to view the volume in Unity, we are going to represent the volume as a series of 2D images with transparency. These images will be the texture for a uniform three-dimensional grid, which is described in an .obj file. Here are the steps, in more detail:
    1. Convert the .tif stack to a series of 2D .png images. The .png images include a parameter called alpha which controls the transparency of the voxel (0 is fully transparent and 1 is opaque). The alpha value for each voxel is determined by a segmentation step (of the vessels or tissue) of the OCT scan. For example, in an OCT volume showing blood vessels, voxels with a low pixel value should not appear black in the final volume – we would like to see through them, so that we can see the structure of the vessels behind them. Therefore, we segment dark pixels to have low alpha and bright pixels to have high alpha. Matlab code is available for this segmentation and conversion to .png.
    2. Write the voxel locations in to an .obj file. Each voxel location in the image stack is equivalent to a vertex. Therefore, each voxel location is written to an .obj file which will “tell” Unity how to construct the volume (model), layer by layer. Matlab code is available.
    3. Assign the .png images to their vertices. Each layer in the volume is a modeled as a plane, and assigned a texture, which is the corresponding png image. The series of png images is mapped onto the planes by a .mat (material) file. The Matlab script that creates the obj, also creates the mat file.
  3. Display the volume in Unity
    1. Drag the folder that includes .png, .obj, and .mat files into Unity.
    2. Materials should be automatically generated by Unity for each slice in the volume (shown in the assets folder). If these are not generated, there is probably a problem with the obj or mat files.
    3. The tricky part is how to display the volumes as intended, using the alpha transparency of the volumes. Two existing approaches are:
      • Volume ray casting (also called volume ray marching)7–9
      • Texture-based volume rendering8,9
    4. These methods were implemented, demonstrated and compared for microscopy data visualization10. A commercial volume viewer for Unity is available from the Unity asset store11, but currently it requires payment. The approach described in this project resembles the texture-based volume rendering method and uses specific shaders which are aready built into Unity:
      • Particles/alpha blended: this shader uses the transparency values to create transparency in the volume and looks good on the volumes of vasculature.
      • Unlit/Transparent cutout: this shader cuts out the transparent areas and shows the surface of the volume. This can be used for showing vessles, but is more useful for showing OCT derived structure. To apply the shaders to the volume, select all the material files and change their shader in the “inspector” tab.
    5. In order to look into the volume, and virtually slice through it, a nice trick is to use the near clipping plane of the camera. We can change the position and orientation of the volume relative to the clipping plane in order to virtually slice through the volume at a variety of angles.
  4. Create a 360 (panorama) movie Unity is a very broad platform and can be used for various applications. Creating a 360 movie is an example of a simple method to display the OCT volumes in “virtual reality”, which includes head tracking and stereoscopic rendering. The benefit of recording a 360 video is that it can be displayed on almost any phone + cardboard. Here is a very good tutorial for creating a 360 panorama movie: Another option is to build the Unity project into an Android or iOS application.
  5. Once you’ve creates the 360 movie, upload it to YouTube. After it’s uploaded, open your movie from a smart-phone using the YouTube app. The movie can be displayed as a regular or stereoscopic 360 movie, both include orientation tracking, so that you can move around the volumes and look at them from different angles. In order to view it on a HMD (such as cardboard), the movie should be stereo-rendered by clicking the cardboard icon on the YouTube app (

A stero-rendering of an OCT experiment

This image is a cell-phone screen-shot in YouTube's Cardboard mode. A stero-rendering of an OCT eperiment

Results (demo)

  • A study of contrast agent detection in lymphatic vessels (from Fig 5 of this 2016 publication12): The left image shows blood vessels (red) in a mouse pinna before injection of a contrast agent (large gold nanorods, GNRs). The center image shows the same region after a subcutaneous injection of GNRs, which are draining through the lymph vessels (green). The right image shows the same area after a subsequent injection of GNRs with a different scattering spectrum (cyan-blue). Each volume has an area of 4 x 4 mm.
  • Mouse brain vessels: The brain was imaged through a cranial window. The volume has an area of approximately 5 x 7 mm.
  • Virtually slicing through a mouse brain which has a tumor: Note that the scans were captured while the mouse is alive and no slicing was actually performed. Imaging is done through a cranial window. OCT enables looking up to 2 mm deep inside tissue. The slicing was performed using the near clipping plane – as the volume crosses the clipping plane the deeper layers become visible. We can slice at different angles, by aligning the volume at an angle relative to the near clipping plane. The tumor is at the left side of the field of view and appears brighter compared to its surrounding.
  • Vasculature of mouse brain with small tumor, virtually sliced at different angles: This visualization uses the Unlit/ transparent cutout shader instead of the particles/alpha blend shader.


  1. Huang, D. et al. Optical coherence tomography. Science (80-. ). 254, 1178–81 (1991).
  2. Carrasco-Zevallos, O. M. et al. Review of intraoperative optical coherence tomography: technology and applications [Invited]. Biomed. Opt. Express 8, 1607 (2017).
  3. Viehland, C. et al. Enhanced volumetric visualization for real time 4D intraoperative ophthalmic swept-source OCT. Biomed. Opt. Express 7, 1815 (2016).
  4. Carrasco-Zevallos, O. M. et al. Live volumetric (4D) visualization and guidance of in vivo human ophthalmic surgery with intraoperative optical coherence tomography. Sci. Rep. 6, 31689 (2016).
  5. Liba, O. OCT reconstruction and spectral analysis code. Available at:
  6. de Carlo, T. E., Romano, A., Waheed, N. K. & Duker, J. S. A review of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). Int. J. Retin. Vitr. 1, 5 (2015).
  7. Lorensen, W. E. & Cline., H. E. Marching cubes: A high resolution 3D surface construction algorithm. ACM siggraph Comput. Graph. 21, (1987).
  8. Engel, K. Real-time volume graphics. (A K Peters, 2006).
  9. Movania, M. M. OpenGL development cookbook : over 40 recipes to help you learn, understand, and implement modern OpenGL in your applications. (Packt Pub, 2013).
  10. Theart, R. P., Loos, B. & Niesler, T. R. Virtual reality assisted microscopy data visualization and colocalization analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 18, 64 (2017).
  11. Volume Viewer Pro - Asset Store. Available at:!/content/83185.
  12. Liba, O., SoRelle, E. D., Sen, D. & de la Zerda, A. Contrast-enhanced optical coherence tomography with picomolar sensitivity for functional in vivo imaging. Sci. Rep. 6, 23337 (2016).


An immersive visualization for optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans, enabling seeing inside tissue in 3D.







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