You create modules of rules with no state. You spawn a process (not an actual process yet) that can be sent messages.
// from the bank_account_example in the tests directory
// BankAccount is the module
// receive is BankAccount.receive
// - type: message -> state -> state
// - it gets passed the message and the current state
// - it returns the new state
// [] is the initial (seed) state
let account = spawn(BankAccount, "receive", [])
send(account, ["deposit", 50]) // send account a message of deposit 50
send(account, ["withdraw", 30]) // send account a message of withdraw 30
// pid_of_other_process will be sent ["balance", 20]
send(account, ["check_balance", pid_of_other_process])
In Test Directory
- Simple CQRS style bank account
- Make
async - Make
concurrent - Can subscribe to changes in an actors state
- Can unsubscribe from changes in an actors state
- Supervisor layer for persistence
- actor state is an immutable reference type (maybe something like a bitmap hash tries)
keanu is Copyright (c) 2015 James Hunter @cccc00 and licensed under the MIT license. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included LICENSE file for more details.