Module to parse multipart/form data. Based on connect-multiparty
npm install express-form-data
const formData = require("express-form-data");
const express = require("express");
const os = require("os");
const app = express();
* Options are the same as multiparty takes.
* But there is a new option "autoClean" to clean all files in "uploadDir" folder after the response.
* By default, it is "false".
const options = {
uploadDir: os.tmpdir(),
autoClean: true
// parse data with connect-multiparty.
// delete from the request all empty files (size == 0)
// change the file objects to fs.ReadStream
// union the body and the files
After this we can see in req:
- req.files = {...} all files
- req.body = {...} all data including files (or streams if you use .stream())