Museria global storage [alpha]

This is a network configuration of the global decentralized storage for storing and receiving all the music we have on the planet. It is based on museria.
git clone
npm i && npm start
docker-compose up
You can also pass environment variables before the command.
Look at the museria requirements.
There is not a single place on the planet where people can get any song fast, without troubles and for free. There are many projects that have not been implemented because of this. We believe that music creators can receive money for their work in a different way than to make a commercial product out of it and limit access to it. How exactly, we are going to propose in another project, later (automatized donations, to be short). In the meantime, let's collect the music in one place and give everyone access to it!
At the very beginning, please check out the museria library. So, anyone can start their own node and share some place for music uploading. The main network address is But you can use another entry point if it is necessary. Look at the configuration file museria.config.js. There are all parameters you may configure by passing arguments or environment variables. Don't change anything else.
If you don't want to provide the disk space you can run the node in face mode as npm run face. Start your server under a domain name, push it into the list in ./faces.json and create a pull request. This will allow other people to have more options to enter the network for better stability. Everyone can install this package via npm and require the faces list as address option in the client side for connecting.
For comfortable work it is enough to have only 10GB of free space. You can run it on any server that is open to external requests.
You can do this either using the library or simply go to the website of any node of the global network (for example, and upload the file through the convenient interface.
Find and store necessary music or create your own cool music projects like that.
The more people participating, the more music is on the network and more often their updating.
We do not encourage you to violate the copyrights of music creators and sellers. The presented mechanisms make it possible to save music files in a decentralized way. The authors of these libraries and node holders are not responsible for which songs will be added to the network by people. Also, the algorithm does not allow you to know in advance which song will get to which specific node. Perhaps no one is going to break the laws and we will only collect music that can be distributed for free.
The main idea of the project promotion is to involve people who are ready to run nodes and expand the network themselves. But it would be great to have some ground in any case. 10-20 servers with 200-1000 gigabytes of disk space could keep the circulation of more than a million songs. Therefore, if you are interested, but do not want to engage in the deployment of nodes yourself, then you can help financially.
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