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This is the client that will display slides from OS2Display. See for more info about the client.


The client can be configured by creating public/config.json with relevant values. See public/example_config.json for example values.

Values explained:

  • apiEndpoint - The endpoint where the API is located.
  • loginCheckTimeout - How often (milliseconds) should the screen check for status when it is not logged in, and waiting for being activated in the administration.
  • configFetchInterval - How often (milliseconds) should a fresh config.json be fetched.
  • refreshTokenTimeout - How often (milliseconds) should it be checked whether the token needs to be refreshed?
  • releaseTimestampIntervalTimeout - How often (milliseconds) should the code check if a new release has been deployed, and reload if true?
  • dataStrategy.config.interval - How often (milliseconds) should data be fetched for the logged in screen?
  • - Where is the screen located? Used for darkmode.
  • colorScheme.lng - Where is the screen located? Used for darkmode.
  • schedulingInterval - How often (milliseconds) should scheduling for the screen be checked.
  • debug - Should the screen be in debug mode? If true, the cursor will be invisible.

All endpoint should be configured without a trailing slash. The endpoints apiEndpoint can be left empty if the api is hosted from the root of the same domain as the client. E.g. if the api is at and the client is at

Docker development setup

Start docker setup

# Install npm packages
docker compose run --rm node yarn install

# Up the containers
docker compose up -d

# Optional: Follow the node logs to see when the code is compiled.
docker compose logs -f node

The display client is here:

The code is compiled when changed.

The client can be configured by creating public/config.json with relevant values. See public/example_config.json for values.

The client should have public/release.json with relevant values. See public/example_release.json for values.

Coding standards

For code analysis we use the Airbnb style guide for javascript and for formatting we use Prettier.

# Check for coding standards issues
docker compose exec node bash -c 'yarn check-coding-standards'

# Auto-correct coding standards issues
docker compose exec node bash -c 'yarn apply-coding-standards'

Testing with cypress

We use cypress for testing.

To run cypress tests in the cypress container:

docker compose run cypress run

Build for production

Github actions will build both docker images published to docker hub and release assets published as github releases. To run the display client choose which option suits you and download it.

If you wish to do your own production build, you need to do

docker compose run node yarn install
docker compose run node yarn build

# Make release file. Replace 'x.y.z' with relevant release version
printf "{\n  \"releaseTimestamp\": $(date +%s),\n  \"releaseTime\": \"$(date)\",\n  \"releaseVersion\": \"x.y.z\"\n}" > build/release.json

# Make config file
cp public/example_config.json build/config.json

This will build the client configured to be hosted at /client. If you wish to host at a different path you need to edit homepage in package.json and re-build.

For instructions on how to host a complete OS2display setup please see the docs.