Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Aissa Hadj - 265189
- Lucas Zanco Ladeira - 188951
- Matheus Ferraroni - 212142
- Maria Vitória Rodrigues Oliveira - 262884
- Oscar Ciceri - 164786
- Report - Report.
- Main - Main classes.
- IA - Maps to be utilized as input.
- Results - Results generated by the strategies.
- Plots - Plots of the results generated.
There are two ways to execute the experiments:
1. Execute the python code called "" and pass the parameters
The code considers the parameters to execute each strategy and map. It is possible to change what is the stop criteria, crossover type and more.
Run "python3 --(strategy flag)" to execute.
For instance, "python --population=50 --dataset=path --iteration_limit=100 --stop_criteria=1 --probs_type=0 --crossover_type=3 --crossover_rate=0.8 --mutation_type=0 --mutation_rate=0.03 --use_threads=0 --cut_half_pop=0 --replicate_best=0.1" executes a single feature selection with the mentioned parameters.
It is worth to point out that you may run "python --help" to visualize all the possible flags and parameters.
2. Execute the shellcode called ""
The code executes every configuration for each dataset and saves the results.
run "./" and wait until it is done.
All results are saved in the results folder.
Good idea to use virtual env. Tested on Python 3.8