Shared API for DOS and OS/2 to produce binary dual mode applications which can be run without recompilation
At the present time we have:
- VIOCALLS at level of OS/2 1.0 (both real and protected mode DOS/OS2, except Register/Deregister)
- MOUCALLS at level of OS/2 1.0 (both real and protected mode DOS/OS2, except Register/Deregister)
- KBDCALLS at level of OS/2 1.0 (both real and protected mode DOS/OS2, except Register/Deregister)
- BVSCALLS at level of OS/2 1.0 (both real and protected mode DOS)
- BMSCALLS at level of OS/2 1.0 (both real and protected mode DOS)
- BKSCALLS at level of OS/2 1.0 (both real and protected mode DOS)
- DOSCALLS in progress
osFree Family API consist of 2 levels:
KAL - is a Kernel Abstraction Layer which implements kernel specific functions. OS/2 API layer - kernel independed part which is same as in DOS, OS/2 or other kernel.
At the current design only core DOSCALLS functions uses KAL functions.
(This is draft, still most functions not in KAL, but in corresponding DLLs)
KalDevIOCtl - is a most complex function. It is implements DosDevIOCtl background. Most of I/O Subsystem functions (Kbd, Vio, Mou, Bms, Bvs, Bks) uses DosDevIOCtl to provide implement corresponding functions. This way I/O Subsystems shares same code in DOS and OS/2.
KalGetInfoSeg - provides access to Global Info Segment and Local Info Segment. DOSCALLS functions uses GIS or LIS obtained via DosGetInfoSeg, if it possible, to provide information.
KalQProcStatus - another generic interface which allow to access internal structures.
todo Kal* - file manager functions todo Kal* - memory manager functions