List of public resources, documents, and tools for Osmosis. This Awesome repo is also automatically published on the official Osmosis Documentation site
- Imperator Osmosis Dashboard
- Map of Zones
- Smartstake staking dashboard
- Cosmissed by Blockpane
- Osmosis DEX Screener
- chain monitoring by Cros-Nest
- Quicksync by Chainlayer
- All That Node by DSRV
- 3Tekos Validator
- Stake Systems - Snapshots taken everyday at 06:00 UTC / 18:00 UTC
- Official Osmosis Developers :
- Mainnet - Chain Registry :
- Mainnet - All That Node by DSRV :
- Mainnet / Mainnet Archive / Testnet with Faucet (LCD/REST, RPC, gRPC) - DataHub :
- Mainnet / Mainnet Archive (LCD/REST, RPC, gRPC) - Stake Systems - LCD(REST)/RPC/gRPC
Latest list of peers are published to Osmosis Discord channel #peers-list
- Notional's bus bar
- 28f61c154c82f0122a841a12f8aa87703bd6ae1e@
You'd want to add the bus bar as a persistent peer. It can accept a vast number of connections, and can be used in a manner analogous to a seed node since it will do PEX with you. It is not a seed node.
- Seed nodes
(Provided by Smartnodes)902bdfe51b6a97cc9369664a21c87ed61d471d2a@
(Provided by Smartnodes)
(Provided by BlockPane)
- Osmosis Official Documentation
- Edge Validation
- Relaying
- Listing IBC tokens to Osmosis
- Setting up a full node for Osmosis-1 / Turning a full node into a validator node
- Tradeberry - Stateless rpi image that state syncs osmosis and allows access to the UI in a private, sovereign manner.
- Easy Kelpr Transaction - Osmosis Laravel Mix Transaction Example.