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Check Event Calendar Settings

The extension is licensed under AGPL-3.0.


  • PHP v7.4+
  • CiviCRM 5.68+

Installation (Web UI)

Learn more about installing CiviCRM extensions in the CiviCRM Sysadmin Guide.

Installation (CLI, Zip)

Sysadmins and developers may download the .zip file for this extension and install it with the command-line tool cv.

cd <extension-dir>
cv dl com.osseed.eventcalendar@

Installation (CLI, Git)

Sysadmins and developers may clone the Git repo for this extension and install it with the command-line tool cv.

git clone
cv en eventcalendar

Getting Started

Event Calendar Extension allows you to view all CiviCRM events in a Calendar by month, day, week. The setting page allows us to select which events should be shown on calendar with the color we want for particular event type The setting page configuration for event types filters allows us to filter by particular event types on calendar.


Extension required module for installation with Drupal 7 setup.


  1. Click Administrator -> CiviEvent -> Event Calendar Settings (civicrm/admin/event-calendar) menu, Please change the setting if required.
  2. Now you can add multiple calendar with specific settings & preview event data as per settings on calendar.
  3. Click Events->Show Events (civicrm/showevents) menu to view global Event Calendar with Events as per default settings.

New Feature: Default Event Calendar


Users can now designate one event calendar as the default for event calendar view (/civicrm/showevents).


  • Database: Added is_default column to civicrm_event_calendar, ensuring only one calendar is marked as default.
  • Forms & UI: Added a checkbox in the settings form to set a default calendar. The calendar list now displays the default status.
  • Upgrade Script: Ensures is_default column is added if missing.
  • Usability: Simplifies event creation by linking events to the default calendar automatically.


  1. If you are using Joomla CMS then copy the folder yourextensiondirectory/com.osseed.eventcalendar/joomla/EventCalendar to joomlarootdirectory/components/com_civicrm/views/ which will add menu item type for Event Calendar.

  2. If you are using Wordpress CMS then copy the folder yourextensiondirectory/com.osseed.eventcalendar/wordpress/wordpress-event-calendar to wordpressdirectory/wp-content/plugins/ and activate the plugin which will add CiviCRM frontend type for Event Calendar.

  3. In Joomla for frontend calendar display you need to add menu items with menu item type as Event calendar & configure event calendar setting id (if you have multiple calendar) under it. If you pass empty ID it will display global calendar for frontend.

  4. In Wordpress you need to add Shortcode under page like [event_calendar component="event-calendar"] for displaying calendar on front-end page view. Also you can add parameter for id specific the calendar id if multiple calendar settings are present.