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部署和使用SRS的内嵌http服务器,参考:Usage: HTTP
Nginx/Apache/lighthttpd等众多HTTP server大佬就是专业的单反,老长老长镜头了。 难道有了单反智能手机上就不能有摄像头?不会吧!而且必须有。所以不是要和nginx拼个你死我活, 定位不一样,就像fms内嵌apache一样(不过fms嵌得很烂),真的有必要而且方便。
为何srs不内嵌一个nginx呢?智能手机上能内嵌一个单反长镜头么?我去,那是怪物吧。 nginx14万行代码,巨大无比,srs才2万行,如何能内嵌呢?最核心的原因是:srs需要提供http的api, 方便外部管理和调用;这点往往都毫无异议,但是提到srs要内嵌web服务器,就都炸开锅啦。 OK,其实就是http的api稍微扩展点,支持读文件后发送给客户端。
- 只需要部署一个服务器就可以分发RTMP和HLS。
- SRS对于HLS/HDS/DASH的支持会更完善。
- SRS可以支持点播,动态转封装等。
- SRS依然可以用nginx作为反向代理,或者禁用这个选项,使用nginx分发。
# embeded http server in srs.
# the http streaming config, for HLS/HDS/DASH/HTTPProgressive
# global config for http streaming, user must config the http section for each vhost.
# the embed http server used to substitute nginx in ./objs/nginx,
# for example, srs runing in arm, can provides RTMP and HTTP service, only with srs installed.
# user can access the http server pages, generally:
# curl
# which will show srs version and welcome to srs.
# @remeark, the http embeded stream need to config the vhost, for instance, the __defaultVhost__
# need to open the feature http of vhost.
http_stream {
# whether http streaming service is enabled.
# default: off
enabled on;
# the http streaming port
# @remark, if use lower port, for instance 80, user must start srs by root.
# default: 8080
listen 8080;
# the default dir for http root.
# default: ./objs/nginx/html
dir ./objs/nginx/html;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
# http vhost specified config
http {
# whether enable the http streaming service for vhost.
# default: off
enabled on;
# the virtual directory root for this vhost to mount at
# for example, if mount to /hls, user access by http://server/hls
# default: /
mount /hls;
# main dir of vhost,
# to delivery HTTP stream of this vhost.
# default: ./objs/nginx/html
dir ./objs/nginx/html;
文件扩展名 | Content-Type |
.ts | |
.m3u8 | Content-Type: application/x-mpegURL;charset=utf-8 |
.json | Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 |
.css | Content-Type: text/css;charset=utf-8 |
.swf | Content-Type: application/x-shockwave-flash;charset=utf-8 |
.js | Content-Type: text/javascript;charset=utf-8 |
.xml | Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8 |
其他 | Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 |
- GET: 下载文件。
Winlin 2014.4
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