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A Node.js module for browser-based multiplayer games

Created by Jack Eisenmann


I have created a handful of Node.js browser games now, and I've copied a lot of code between them. Naturally I started to feel uncomfortable copying and pasting code, so I created this module.

Feel free to use this module for yourself, but I really designed it for my own use. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them!


This module requires MySQL version 8.x. To install on macOS:

brew install mysql@8.0
brew services start mysql@8.0

To install on Ubuntu, I recommend this page.

Then update authentication to allow username + password combination:

mysql -u your_username -p
ALTER USER 'your_username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'your_password';

To install the Node.js module:

npm install "github:ostracod/ostracod-multiplayer#semver:^(Version)"

Your project should have these directories at the top level:

  • (Your Project)/ostracodMultiplayerConfig: Set-up files for this library
  • (Your Project)/views: HTML files
  • (Your Project)/public: Statically served files such as images and scripts

The directory ostracodMultiplayerConfig should contain these files:

  • ostracodMultiplayerConfig/ssl.crt
  • ostracodMultiplayerConfig/ssl.key
  • ostracodMultiplayerConfig/ (Optional)
  • ostracodMultiplayerConfig/serverConfig.json
  • ostracodMultiplayerConfig/gameConfig.json
  • ostracodMultiplayerConfig/databaseConfig.json
  • ostracodMultiplayerConfig/schemaConfig.json
  • ostracodMultiplayerConfig/favicon.ico (Optional)

ssl.crt and ssl.key are the files required to enable https. may also be necessary depending on your certificate provider.

Format of serverConfig.json:

    "gameName": String,
    "author": String,
    "port": Number,
    "secret": String (Optional, for cookies),
    "welcomeViewFile": String,
    "stylesheets": [String]
  • If secret is excluded, the server will automatically generate a secret string.
  • welcomeViewFile should be a file name inside your views directory.
  • stylesheets is a list of stylesheet paths to include in every page.

Format of gameConfig.json:

    "pageModules": [
            "name": String,
            "buttonLabel": String,
            "title": String,
            "viewFile": String,
            "shouldShowOnLoad": Boolean
    "instructionsViewFile": String
    "scripts": [String],
    "stylesheets": [String],
    "canvasWidth": Number,
    "canvasHeight": Number,
    "canvasPixelScale": Number (Optional),
    "canvasBackgroundColor": String (Optional),
    "framesPerSecond": Number,
    "maximumPlayerCount": Number
  • instructionsViewFile should be a file name inside your views directory.
  • scripts is a list of script paths to include in the game client page.
  • stylesheets is a list of stylesheet paths to include in the game client page.
  • canvasPixelScale is the number of canvas pixels per measurement of CSS pixel. The default value is 2.
  • The default value of canvasBackgroundColor is "#FFFFFF".

Format of databaseConfig.json:

    "host": String (Server address),
    "databaseName": String,
    "username": String,
    "password": String

Format of schemaConfig.json:

    "tables": [
            "name": String,
            "fields": [
                    "name": String,
                    "type": String,
                    "primaryKey": Boolean (Optional),
                    "indexed": Boolean (Optional),
                    "autoIncrement": Boolean (Optional)

For a minimal setup, your database must include at least this table:

    "name": "Users",
    "fields": [
        {"name": "uid", "type": "INT", "primaryKey": true, "autoIncrement": true},
        {"name": "username", "type": "VARCHAR(100)"},
        {"name": "passwordHash", "type": "VARCHAR(100)"},
        {"name": "emailAddress", "type": "VARCHAR(200)"},
        {"name": "score", "type": "BIGINT"},

To set up your database, set your current working directory to the top level of your project, then invoke schemaTool.js:

cd (Path to your project)
node ./node_modules/ostracod-multiplayer/schemaTool.js setup

You can also replace setup with verify or destroy for other actions.

Server-Side Usage

This module exposes the following members:

  • ostracodMultiplayer: Controls high-level server operations.
  • pageUtils: Contains various functions for serving pages.
  • dbUtils: Contains various functions for accessing the database.
  • accountUtils: Contains various functions for processing user accounts.
  • gameUtils: Controls real-time aspects of gameplay.

Members of ostracodMultiplayer:

  • ostracodMultiplayer.shouldListenImmediately: Whether the server should start listening for HTTP requests upon calling initializeServer. The default value is true.
  • ostracodMultiplayer.initializeServer(basePath, gameDelegate, routerList): Initializes the server, and starts listening for HTTP requests if shouldListenImmediately is true.
    • basePath should point to the top level of your project.
    • gameDelegate must be your custom implementation of GameDelegate.
    • routerList is a list of Express routers for additional endpoints.
  • ostracodMultiplayer.listen(): Causes the server to start listening for HTTP requests.
  • ostracodMultiplayer.mode: Either "development" or "production".

Members of pageUtils:

  • pageUtils.renderPage(res, path, options, parameters): Renders the page at path with given parameters using Mustache.
    • path must be fully resolved.
    • options may contain any of the following members:
      • scripts: List of client-side script paths.
      • stylesheets: List of client-side stylesheet paths.
      • shouldDisplayTitle
      • contentWidth
  • pageUtils.isAuthenticated(req): Returns whether the user is logged in based on the given request.
  • pageUtils.getUsername(req): Returns the username of the logged-in user based on the given request.
  • pageUtils.errorOutput: Enumeration containing JSON_ERROR_OUTPUT, PAGE_ERROR_OUTPUT, and SOCKET_ERROR_OUTPUT.
  • pageUtils.checkAuthentication(errorOutput): Prevents a user from accessing a page if they are not logged in.

Members of dbUtils:

  • dbUtils.performTransaction(operation, done?): Performs the operation with a lock on the database.
  • dbUtils.performQuery(query, parameterList, done?): Performs a single query on the database. Will not work outside of performTransaction.

Members of accountUtils:

  • accountUtils.getAccountByUsername(username, done?): Retrieves a user by username. Must be performed in a DB transaction.
  • accountUtils.updateAccount(uid, valueSet, done?): Modifies fields in a user account. Must be performed in a DB transaction.
  • accountUtils.removeAccount(uid, done?): Removes a user account. Must be performed in a DB transaction.

Members of gameUtils:

  • gameUtils.isPersistingEverything: Indicates whether server state is being saved to non-volatile storage.
  • gameUtils.playerList: List of players in the game and non-persisted players.
  • gameUtils.performAtomicOperation(operation, done?): Perform operation so that it does not happen at the same time as another atomic gameUtils operation.
    • operation accepts a single argument (done?).
    • done accepts a single optional argument (errorMessage).
  • gameUtils.announceMessageInChat(text): Send a message to all players.
  • gameUtils.getPlayerByUsername(username, includeStale): Retrieves a player. If includeStale is true, output includes players which have left the game.
  • gameUtils.addCommandListener(commandName, isSynchronous, operation): Perform an atomic operation if the client sends a particular command.
    • If synchronous, operation accepts the arguments (command, player, commandList).
    • If asynchronous, operation accepts the arguments (command, player, commandList, done?, errorHandler?).
      • errorHandler accepts a single argument (message).
    • In both cases, command is the incoming command, player is the client player, and commandList is a list of response commands.

Members of Player:

  • player.username
  • player.score
  • player.hasLeftGame
  • player.extraFields: Dictionary of extra fields defined in your database schema. These will be persisted automatically.

Your project must create a GameDelegate and pass it into ostracodMultiplayer.initialize. GameDelegate must have the following members:

  • gameDelegate.playerEnterEvent(player): Called whenever a player enters the game.
  • gameDelegate.playerLeaveEvent(player): Called whenever a player leaves the game.
  • gameDelegate.persistEvent(done?): Called immediately before the server persists game state. Performed within an atomic gameUtils operation.
  • gameDelegate.getOnlinePlayerText(player) (Optional): Determines the line of text to display for each online player.

To run your project for development, perform this command:

NODE_ENV=development node (Your Script)

In the development environment, various security features are deactivated to facilitate testing. Do NOT use the development environment on a production server!

For a production environment, perform something like this:

NODE_ENV=production nohup node (Your Script) > serverMessages.txt 2>&1 &

Client-Side Usage

The global scope in the game page exposes the following members:

  • Pos: Represents a 2D position.
  • createPosFromJson(data): Converts JSON data to a Pos.
  • Color: Represents an RGB color.
  • canvas and context: For rendering graphics.
  • canvasWidth and canvasHeight: Canvas dimensions as defined in your config file.
  • canvasPixelScale: Scaling factor for pixels as defined in your config file.
  • canvasBackgroundColor: Color string as defined in your config file.
  • framesPerSecond: FPS as defined in your config file.
  • shiftKeyIsHeld: Whether the user is pressing the shift key.
  • canvasMouseIsHeld: Whether the user is holding the mouse button after clicking on the canvas.
  • gameUpdateCommandList: List of commands to send to the server.
  • focusedTextInput: HTML tag of focused text input.
  • clientDelegate: You must assign a value to this in your script.
  • addCommandListener(commandName, operation): Perform an operation whenever the client receives a server command. operation accepts a single (command) argument.
  • addCommandRepeater(commandName, operation): Invoked for any unsent commands after receiving server commands. operation accepts a single (command) argument.
  • updateCanvasSize(): Must be invoked after changing canvasWidth, canvasHeight, or canvasPixelScale.
  • clearCanvas(): Erases contents of the canvas using canvasBackgroundColor.
  • getModuleByName(name): Retrieves the Module with the given name.
  • showModuleByName(name): Opens the page module with the given name.
  • hideModuleByName(name): Closes the page module with the given name.

Members of Pos:

  • new Pos(x, y)
  • pos.x and pos.y
  • pos.set(pos)
  • pos.add(pos)
  • pos.subtract(pos)
  • pos.scale(number)
  • pos.copy()
  • pos.equals(pos)
  • pos.getDistance(pos)
  • pos.toString()
  • pos.toJson()

Members of Color:

  • new Color(r, g, b)
  • color.r, color.g, and color.b
  • color.copy()
  • color.scale(number)
  • color.equals(color)
  • color.toString()

Members of Module:

  • and module.isVisible
  • module.hide()

Your client script must create a ClientDelegate and assign it to the global variable clientDelegate. ClientDelegate must have the following members:

  • clientDelegate.initialize(done?): Called after the page is loaded, and before registering event listeners.
  • clientDelegate.setLocalPlayerInfo(command): Called after the client receives local player information. command contains the members username, score, and extraFields.
  • clientDelegate.addCommandsBeforeUpdateRequest(): Called before sending each bundle of commands through the web socket.
  • clientDelegate.timerEvent(): Called for each client frame.
  • clientDelegate.keyDownEvent(keyCode): Called whenever the user presses a key. Return false to override default browser action, and true otherwise.
  • clientDelegate.keyUpEvent(keyCode): Called whenever the user releases a key. Return false to override default browser action, and true otherwise.
  • clientDelegate.moduleShowEvent(name) (Optional): Called whenever a page module is opened.
  • clientDelegate.moduleHideEvent(name) (Optional): Called whenever a page module is closed.
  • clientDelegate.canvasMouseMoveEvent(pos) (Optional): Called whenever the user moves the mouse within the canvas.
  • clientDelegate.canvasMouseDownEvent(pos) (Optional): Called whenever the user presses the the mouse button down inside the canvas.
  • clientDelegate.canvasMouseLeaveEvent() (Optional): Called whenever the user moves the mouse outside of the canvas.
  • clientDelegate.mouseUpEvent() (Optional): Called whenever the user releases the mouse button anywhere on the page.


Common library for cute little browser games.






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