This server handles every non real time client feature, so:
- Ingame scoreboards with clan support
- Score submission
- Screenshots
- Replays
- Clan System
- osu!direct, thanks to cheesegull
- Tillerino-like API (partially broken)
- osu!standard and taiko pp calculation with oppai-ng, made by Franc[e]sco
- osu!standard relax pp calculation with akatsuki-pp-relax, made by Franc[e]sco and edited by cmyui
- osu!mania pp calculation with
, made by Nyo with reference code from Tom94's osu-performance - catch the beat pp calculation with catch-the-pp, made by Sunpy and cythonized by Nyo
- Python 3.6
- Cython
- C compiler
First of all, initialize and update the submodules
$ git submodule init && git submodule update
$ cd secret && git submodule init && git submodule update && cd ..
afterwards, install the required dependencies with pip
$ python3.6 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
compile all *.pyx
files to *.so
or *.dll
files using
(distutils file).
This compiles catch-the-pp
as well.
$ python3.6 build_ext --inplace
then, run LETS once to create the default config file and edit it
$ python3.6
$ nano config.ini
finally, compile oppai-ng
(inside pp/oppai-ng) and akatsuki-pp-relax
(inside pp/oppai-rx) to make pp calculation working
$ cd ./pp/oppai-ng/ && chmod +x ./build && ./build && cd ./../../
$ cd ./pp/oppai-rx/ && chmod +x ./build && ./build && cd ./../../
Did you know?: You can configure more stuff in common/config.json after you run LETS! Like ppboard or making Relax ranked!
is a tool that allows you to calculate pp for specific scores. It's extremely useful to do mass PP recalculations if you mess something up. It uses lets' config and packages, so make sure lets is installed and configured correctly before using it.
usage: [-h]
[-r | -z | -i ID | -m MODS | -g GAMEMODE | -u USERID | -b BEATMAPID | -fhd]
[-w WORKERS] [-cs CHUNKSIZE] [-v]
pp recalc tool for ripple, new version.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r, --recalc calculates pp for all high scores
-z, --zero calculates pp for 0 pp high scores
-i ID, --id ID calculates pp for the score with this score_id
-m MODS, --mods MODS calculates pp for high scores with these mods (flags)
-g GAMEMODE, --gamemode GAMEMODE
calculates pp for scores played on this game mode
(std:0, taiko:1, ctb:2, mania:3)
-u USERID, --userid USERID
calculates pp for high scores set by a specific user
calculates pp for high scores played on a specific
beatmap (beatmap_id)
-fhd, --fixstdhd calculates pp for std hd high scores (14/05/2018 pp
algorithm changes)
-w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
number of workers. 16 by default. Max 32
-cs CHUNKSIZE, --chunksize CHUNKSIZE
score chunks size
-v, --verbose verbose/debug mode
This project is licensed under the GNU AGPL 3 License.
See the "LICENSE" file for more information.