- Show all added to-do items
- Show only the complete/incomplete to-do items(filtering)
- Search for specific to-do items with a keyword
- Sort to-do items in terms of the added date, due date across categories
- Sort to-do items in terms of the added date, due date within each category
- Share the to-do list to a friend
- Make custom button
- Write ReadMe file
- Create a skeleton of the entire app using navigation stack and drawer
- Select/deselct specific/all to-do items
- Delete the Selected tasks
- Show/visualaize the completion rate for all tasks
- Design the App Theme
- (Change the order of to-do items)
- Style responsibility
- (Make Calendar)
- Publish To-Do Cloud
- Enter/edit/remove a to-do item
- Set the due date per to-do item
- Check/uncheck a to-do item to mark completion
- Allow users to set a category for each to-do item(grouping)
- Swipe menu
- Add a comment to a to-do list
- Show/visualize the completion rate per category
- React
- AsyncStorage
- use as local database
npm i @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
- Touchable-opacity-scale
- used for making a custom button
npm i touchable-opacity-scale
- React-navigaion
- used for a skeleton of the entire app
npm install @react-navigation/native
npm install @react-navigation/stack
npm install @react-navigation/drawer
- react-native-safe-area-context
- used for a skeleton of the entire app
npm install react-native-safe-area-context
- react-native-screens
- used for a skeleton of the entire app
npm install react-native-screens
- styled-components
- used for a skeleton of the entire app
npm install styled-components prop-types
expo install expo-image-picker
- draggable-flatlist
- used for change the order of to-do items
npm install react-native-draggable-flatlist
- @react-native-community/datetimepicker
- used for set due date
npm i @react-native-community/datetimepicker
- react-native-gesture-handler
- used for swipe menu
npm i react-native-gesture-handler
- react-native-picker-select
- used for set a category
npm i react-native-picker-select