Binaries are at
Linux make instructions
Rename the unzipped JUCE folder to JUCE and move it to the home folder
Unzip this repository/clone inside the JUCE folder
To make the Projucer, change into ~/JUCE/extras/Projucer/Builds/LinuxMakefile. Edit the Makefile and add "-DJUCER_ENABLE_GPL_MODE=1" to both the JUCE_CPPFLAGS lines. Then enter into the Terminal, make CONFIG=Release
Run the Projucer and load the jucer file in the unzipped repository/clone folder and save the project (disable JUCE_VST3_CAN_REPLACE_VST2 in the juce_audio_plugin_client module options before saving).
Some libraries need to be installed
sudo apt-get -y install git pkg-config libfreetype6-dev libx11-dev libxinerama-dev libxrandr-dev libxcursor-dev mesa-common-dev libasound2-dev freeglut3-dev libxcomposite-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev
(also webkit2gtk-4.0 if using webkit)
To make the default Vst3 version, cd into the ~/JUCE6/unzipped KlangFalter master folder/plugin/Builds/Linux folder
make CONFIG=Release
vst3 is installed into ~/.vst3
For older versions of JUCE
The lv2 version needs JUCE lv2 from the lv2 branch at
Install the lv2 development files. sudo apt-get install lv2-dev or sudo pacman -Sy lv2 for Manjaro
Make the Projucer as above and save the project as a vst2 (change from vst3 to vst2 in the Projucer settings).
Unzip the Builds/Linux/lv2/ file in the Builds/Linux/lv2 folder and copy the Makefile to the Builds/Linux folder
cd into the Builds/Linux folder
make CONFIG=Release
cd build
copy lv2_ttl_generator and lvmake and makelv2 (might need a chmod +x to make them executable) from the unzipped file to the build folder
lvmake is a renamed lv2_ttl_generator binary.
Using g++ lv2_ttl_generator.c -o lvmake should make lvmake
KlangFalter is a convolution audio plugin, e.g. for usage as convolution reverb.
I started its development a couple of time ago because I couldn't find a convolution reverb plugin which suited my needs - and because I was curious about audio DSP programming. ;-)
- Zero-latency
- Easy user interface
- Support for true stereo impulse responses
- Simple 2-band EQ (low cut/shelf and high cut/shelf)
- Easy modifiable envelope for the impulse response
- Basically no limit on impulse response length - as long as your computer can handle it...
- Intuitive and flexible loading of impulse response files
Please check the Binary folder. For installation, just download the according .zip file and extract it in your plug-in folder.
At the moment, I only build Audio Unit plugins for Mac. However, an LV2 version for Linux can be found in the really great distrho distrho project.
To use the KlangFalter plugin, click on "no file loaded" to load a IR file.
- Click on the "Settings" button to adjust the folder which contains your impulse response files.
- Click on "Show Browser" and select some impulse response files.
- KlangFalter tries to find matching impulse response files automatically by searching for matching file names (e.g. left/right and true stereo).
- You can load impulse response files for specific channel connections by clicking on the file name beneath the wave form display of the according tab.
- You can clear the impulse response of a specific channel connection by clicking on the "X" button of the according tab.
KlangFalter doesn't come with any impulse respones, but you can find many free and good impulse response collections on the web. Any file format supported by JUCE should work (currently at least .wav, .mp3, .aiff, .ogg and a couple more).
- Wet/Dry: Adjustment of the wet and dry signal.
- Autogain: "Normalizes" the loaded impulse responses in order to achieve a consistent level.
- Stereo Width: Adjusts the - guess what - stereo width.
- Click on the label on top of the right level display to switch the according level measurement between "out" and "wet" mode.
- Gap: Additional gap at the begin of the impulse response ("pre-delay").
- Begin: Begin of the impulse response.
- End: End of the impulse response
- Stretch: Stretches the impulse response.
- Attack Length & Shape: Modifies the front (attack) of the impulse response.
- Decay Shape: Modifies the decay of the impulse response
- Reverse: Reverts the impulse response for spacy effects.
- Click on the timeline at the bottom of the waveform display to switch time measurement between time and beats-per-minute (useful e.g. for timing reverbs to the music).
- Click on the header of the low resp. high EQ to switch between cut and shelf filter.
- Freq: Adjusts the frequency of the according EQ.
- Gain: EQ gain (only available if working as shelf filter).