This repo is used typical Recommend system.
The recommendation system are consist of following contents:
Knowledge-Based Recommendation 1.1 Used Data are three variables: timeline, genre and duration 1.2 Used Data are three variables: timeline, genre and duration 1.3
Content-Based Recommendation These are consist of two diffrent types of recommendations. The first is Plot description-based recommendation. Here are used the following data: the descriptions and taglines of diffrerent movies. The second is Metadata-based recommendation. Here are used the following data: genres, keywords, cast, and crew.
Building Collaborative Filters Here are used the MovieLens dataet ,which are well known and the most popular benchmark datasets. The used folders are following files:, u.user and u.item. These varibles are movieId, movietitle, releasedate, videoreleasedate, IMDbURL, unkonwn and grenes are floowing: Action, Adventure, and ohters.
Requirements are written in requirements files. $ pip install -r requirements.txt