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Lever Postings API

A Ruby client for's Postings API. This gem is limited to the functionality of's Postings API (which is separate from their more comprehensive Lever API) and is intended to be used for the display of, and application to, jobs from your own web site. For more information see:


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lever_postings'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install lever_postings


Get Job Postings

Job postings for a company:

LeverPostings.postings "<site name, ex: leverdemo>"

Individual job posting:

LeverPostings.postings "<site name, ex: leverdemo>", id: "<specific job posting ID>"

Job postings for a company with query parameters:

LeverPostings.postings "<site name, ex: leverdemo>", team: "Engineering", location: "San Francisco"
Query parameter Description
mode The rendering output mode. json or html. Default is json.
skip skip N from the start
limit only return at most N results
location Filter postings by location
commitment Filter postings by commitment.
team Filter postings by team.
level Filter postings by level.
group May be one of location, commitment, or team. Returns results grouped by category

Postings Result Example

JSON results are parsed and converted into Hashie::Mash objects for property style access to data (posting.text instead of posting[:text]).

Field Description
id Unique Job ID
text Posting name
categories Object with location, commitment and team
description Job description
lists Extra lists of things like requirements from the job posting. This is a list of {text:NAME, content:"unstyled HTML of list elements"}
additional Optional closing content for the job posting. May be an empty string.
id Unique Job ID
hostedUrl A URL which points to lever's hosted job posting page. Example
applyUrl A URL which points to lever's hosted application form to apply to the job posting. Example
posting = LeverPostings.postings("<site name, ex: leverdemo>")[0] # => "5ac21346-8e0c-4494-8e7a-3eb92ff77902"
posting.text # => "Account Executive"
posting.description # => "Be a foundational member on a fast-growing sales team..."
posting.lists # => [
  # { text => "WITHIN ONE MONTH YOU WILL:"
  #   content => "<li>Thoroughly know our customers, their needs, and ..." },
  # { text => "WITHIN 3 MONTHS YOU WILL:"
  #   content => "<li>Master a consultative strategy to sell Lever’s..." },
  # { text => "WITHIN 6 MONTHS YOU WILL:"
  #   content => "<li>Shape, iterate, and scale our sales strategy..." }
  # ]
posting.lists[0].text # => "WITHIN ONE MONTH YOU WILL:"
posting.created_at # => 1380917667108
posting.hostedUrl # => ""
posting.applyUrl # => ""
posting.categories # => { team => "Sales"
#     location => "Mountain View"
#     commitment => "Full-time" }
# ] # => "Sales"

Apply to a job posting

This enables you to add job applicants via a custom form on your site.

The API is modeled off Lever's hosted jobs form. If in doubt about custom fields, look at any job application form on, for example here.

To use the POST API you need an API key. For now, this must be configured by a Lever employee. Contact support and they can set you up.

LeverPostings.apply "<site name, ex: leverdemo>", "<API key>", {
  posting_id: "<specific job posting ID>",
  name: "Spock",
  email: "",
  phone: "415-555-5555",
  org: "United Federation of Planets",
  urls: {
    github: "",
    twitter: "" },
  comments: "LLAP",
  silent: true

When testing be aware that Lever de-duplicates candidates using their email address. You won't see duplicate testing candidates appear on

The candidate will be emailed after they apply to the job, unless the silent field is set to true

Field Description
name (required) Candidate's named
email (required) Email address
resume Résumé data. Must be a file.
phone Phone number
org Current company / organization
urls Hash of URLs for sites (Github, Twitter, LinkedIn, Portfolio, Other, etc): { github: "", twitter: "" }
comments Additional information from the candidate
silent Disables confirmation email sent to candidates upon application

The server will respond with JSON object.

  • On success, 200 OK and a body of {ok:true, applicationId: '...'}
  • The applicationId returned can be used to view the candidate profile in Lever at the url:{applicationId}. Note that only users logged in to Lever will be able to access that page.
  • On error, Lever will send the appropriate HTTP error code and a body of {ok:false, error:<error string>}.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


A Ruby client for's Postings API



Code of conduct





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