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Sven Nissel edited this page Apr 15, 2022 · 3 revisions

`# Introduction

The following page describes how to use OtrosLogViewer for batch processing.


What (for) is batch processing

Batch processing can be used to retrieve a required information from your logs (for example, you can draw charts with response times, count errors, etc.). Batch processing is run by the olv-batch.[sh|bat] script.

Modes - entry points in processing log files

OtrosLogViewer provides 3 entry points in batch processing.

  • when a single Log event is parsed (see Implement your own logic)
  • when parsing of new log file is started or finished (see Notify when processing of a new log file is started or finished)
  • when processing of all files is started or finished (see Notify when processing of all files is started or finished)

Implement your own logic

To process the log in batch mode, create a class that implements the interface LogDataParsedListener and select your implementation when starting OLV. For every parsed log event method void logDataParsed(LogData data, BatchProcessingContext context) is called.

Notify when processing of a new log file is started or finished

If you want to be notified when parsing of a new log file is started or finished, implement SingleFileBatchProcessingListener.

SingleFileBatchProcessingListener interface looks like the following:

public interface SingleFileBatchProcessingListener {

  public void processingFileStarted(BatchProcessingContext batchProcessingContext);

  public void processingFileFinished(BatchProcessingContext batchProcessingContext);


Method processingFileStarted is called before processing the file. Method processingFileFinished is called after processing the file.

Notify when processing of all files is started or finished

If you want to be notified when a new log parsing is started or finished, implement BatchProcessingListener.

BatchProcessingListener interface looks like the following:

The processingFinished method is called after processing all files. You can implement this method for example to print the results.

public interface BatchProcessingListener {

  public void processingStarted(BatchProcessingContext batchProcessingContext);

  public void processingFinished(BatchProcessingContext batchProcessingContext);


The processingStarted method is called before processing all files. In this method you can initialize your objects used in processing.

Making your classes available for OLV

  1. Create a jar with your classes
  2. Put your jar and the required libs into a selected folder
  3. When running the olv-batch.[sh|bat], point to the folder using -d switch.

Running batch processing

To run batch processing, you need to point to the LogDataParsedListener implementation and the logs that are to be processed.


See the ExampleLogDataParsedListener. This example implementation counts log events with level WARNING or higher in every log file. Follow the pattern below to see how it works:

./ -c examples.ExampleLogDataParsedListener
Batch processing started
Processing file log4j.txt have started
Event with level WARNING at 00:02:30 11-01-2011: some message 1
with multiline!
Event with level WARNING at 00:03:30 11-01-2011: some message 2
second with multiline
Event with level WARNING at 00:06:30 11-01-2011: some message 3 with empty line
Event with level WARNING at 00:10:30 11-01-2011: some message 4
Event with level WARNING at 00:20:30 11-01-2011: some message 6
Event with level SEVERE at 00:20:30 11-01-2011: some message 7
Event with level WARNING at 01:00:30 11-01-2011: some message 8
Event with level WARNING at 01:00:30 11-01-2011: some message 9
Event with level WARNING at 02:03:30 11-01-2011: some message 10
Finished parsing file log4j.txt, found 9 event at level warning or higher
Processing file log_en_US.txt have started
Event with level WARNING at 12:46:34 9-10-2010: Message in locales en_US 7
Event with level WARNING at 12:46:34 9-10-2010: Message in locales en_US 8
Event with level SEVERE at 12:46:34 9-10-2010: Message in locales en_US 9
Event with level SEVERE at 12:46:34 9-10-2010: Message in locales en_US 10
Finished parsing file log_en_US.txt, found 4 event at level warning or higher
Finished parsing all files, found 13 event at level warning or higher

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