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ICML 2023 Workshop on DeployGenerativeModel: Temporal Attention Bottleneck for VAE is informative?
The use of generative models in energy disaggregation has attracted attention to address the challenge of source separation. This approach holds promise for promoting energy conservation by enabling homeowners to obtain detailed information on their energy consumption solely through the analysis of aggregated load curves. Nevertheless, the model's ability to generalize and its interpretability remain two major challenges. To tackle these challenges, we deploy a generative model called TAB-VAE (Temporal Attention Bottleneck for Variational Autoencoder), based on hierarchical architecture, addresses signature variability, and provides a robust, interpretable separation through the design of its informative representation of latent space.
- MSE score
Dataset Test | Method | Fridge | Washing.M | Oven |
UK-DALE | DAE | 80.57 | 81.37 | 81.80 |
S2S | 83.99 | 86.08 | 83.61 | |
S2P | 83.73 | 86.12 | 83.63 | |
NVAE | 90.10 | 87.32 | 81.13 | |
TAB-VAE | 91.81 | 93.26 | 93.77 | |
REDD | DAE | 82.99 | 81.94 | 81.90 |
S2S | 87.09 | 86.16 | 83.78 | |
S2P | 86.96 | 85.57 | 84.14 | |
NVAE | 93.23 | 91.54 | 91.30 | |
TAB-VAE | 94.25 | 93.07 | 94.04 |
- F1 score
Dataset Test | Method | Fridge | Washing.M | Oven |
UK-DALE | DAE | 80.57 | 81.37 | 81.80 |
S2S | 83.99 | 86.08 | 83.61 | |
S2P | 83.73 | 86.12 | 83.63 | |
NVAE | 90.10 | 87.32 | 81.13 | |
TAB-VAE | 91.81 | 93.26 | 93.77 | |
REDD | DAE | 82.99 | 81.94 | 81.90 |
S2S | 87.09 | 86.16 | 83.78 | |
S2P | 86.96 | 85.57 | 84.14 | |
NVAE | 93.23 | 91.54 | 91.30 | |
TAB-VAE | 94.25 | 93.07 | 94.04 |
Using a Batch Estimate of
Our inspiration is derived from information theory, specifically proposition.\ref{prop:theory_information}, which provides valuable insight. When the information of
- Insight from Information Theory:
In order to execute the experiment run:
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --root_path /TAB-VAR --data_path /dataset/Uk-dale --input_dim 3 --beta_end 0.1
The NILMTK[2] toolkit is used for reading the data. All the datasets that are compatible with NILMTK are supported, but the benchmark is constructed on end-uses from UK DALE[3], REDD[4] and REFIT[5]. It should be noted that the data have to be downloaded manually. You can use Xgentime for energy to load data remotely.
Batra, N.; Kelly, J.; Parson, O.; Dutta, H.; Knottenbelt, W.; Rogers, A.; Singh, A.; Srivastava, M. NILMTK: an open source toolkit 525 for non-intrusive load monitoring. Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Future energy systems, 2014, pp. 265–276.
Symeonidis, N.; Nalmpantis, C.; Vrakas, D. A Benchmark Framework to Evaluate Energy Disaggregation Solutions. International 541 Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. Springer, 2019, pp. 19–30.
Jack, K.; William, K. The UK-DALE dataset domestic appliance-level electricity demand and whole-house demand from five UK homes. Sci. Data 2015, 2, 150007.
Kolter, J.Z.; Johnson, M.J. REDD: A public data set for energy disaggregation research. Workshop on data mining applications in sustainability (SIGKDD), San Diego, CA, 2011, Vol. 25, pp. 59–62.
Firth, S.; Kane, T.; Dimitriou, V.; Hassan, T.; Fouchal, F.; Coleman, M.; Webb, L. REFIT Smart Home dataset, 2017. doi:10.17028/rd.lboro.2070091.v1.
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