- Forwards messages from one (or more) channels/lists to one (or more) other channels/lists
- Channels/lists can be on same or different Redis servers
- Simple configuration
- Lightweight, efficient, written in Go
You can install the native binary for your operating system or use the Docker container.
See example configurations.
brew tap outofcoffee/gefyra
brew install gefyra
export BRIDGE_CONFIG=./examples/channel_fan_out.yaml gefyra
docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/config/dir:/opt/gefyra/config outofcoffee/gefyra
The following objects can be bridged:
Upstream object | Downstream object | Same server? | Different server? |
pubsub channel | pubsub channel | Yes | Yes |
pubsub channel | list | Yes | Yes |
list | pubsub channel | Yes | Yes |
list | list | Yes | Yes |
Build and run:
docker-compose up --build
For other architectures, see the multiarchitecture documentation.
You should see something similar to the following:
loading config file: /etc/gefyra/config/one_up_one_down.yaml
loaded 1 upstream(s) and 1 downstream(s)
connecting to upstreams
initialising redis connection to upstream:6379
checking redis connection [attempt #1]...
redis connected at upstream:6379
connecting to downstreams
initialising redis connection to downstream:6379
checking redis connection [attempt #1]...
redis connected at downstream:6379
starting bridge upstream:6379/chan->downstream:6379/chan
If you've started the example using Docker Compose (above), then you can test by sending a message to the upstream and seeing it propagate downstream.
Subscribe to downstream:
docker run --rm -it --network gefyra_redis bitnami/redis:4.0 redis-cli \
-h downstream \
-a password \
SUBSCRIBE output-chan
Publish from upstream:
docker run --rm -it --network gefyra_redis bitnami/redis:4.0 redis-cli \
-h upstream \
-a password \
PUBLISH input-chan hello
gefyra, γέφυρα, is Greek for 'bridge'.