One of my aims as a researcher with prior training and experience as a software and systems engineer, is to raise the average quality of code in the field. Scientific computing has no shortage of brilliant minds, but a severe shortage of experienced and disciplined developers. As a result, it abounds in code that implements ingenious algorithms with low quality code, documentation, and build systems.
This makes the programs less accessible, less efficient, and less reliable, impeding critical research as researchers struggle to install, learn, and use them. A core goal of all my projects is software that is easy to install on any POSIX platform, well-documented, easy to use, reliable, and highly CPU and memory efficient.
This repository describes the coding standards for projects under Github accounts "outpaddling" and "auerlab". All contributions to these projects must follow these guidelines to the maximum extent possible. Patches and merge requests that fall short will need to be cleaned up before they are incorporated.
General priorities for most of my software are as follows:
- Reliability/robustness
- Clear and concise documentation
- Performance
- Everything else
Never let quality slip. Start with a simple, minimalist skeleton of a program and make the code and build system impeccable.
Then add only useful features, with great care to maintain or improve the quality of every aspect of the project.
Always try to write code that can be used anywhere rather than just in this project.
Any function that might be useful to another program should be placed in a library such as libxtend or biolibc, rather than reside in an application. For a typical C project, about 2/3 to 3/4 of all the code I develop ends up in libraries, so that it can easily be utilized by any other application.
We can employ top-down programming so that the needs of applications drive the API design, while at the same time designing the code for more general use. To achieve this, first develop each new function as part of the application it will serve, but design it to be independent of the program so that it can be easily factored out to a library after it has been fully tested.
For example, the libxtend strupper() function was developed as part of fastq-trim, which must use case-insensitive comparison for DNA/RNA sequences. Fastq-trim also uses a string comparison method that tolerates a few differences due to DNA sequencing read errors, hence strcasecmp() will not work. The adapter sequence to be compared to all reads is converted to upper case using strupper() ahead of time so that the LC->UC conversion is done only once, rather than during every comparison. Once fastq-trim was fully tested, strupper() was moved to libxtend, since it is potentially useful to many other programs.
Absolutely no global variables unless there is no alternative. In my decades of programming, the only places I've encountered where global variables are unavoidable are interrupt service routines (ISRs) and other event handlers, i.e. subprograms that are called asynchronously rather than via a normal interface. They have no place in application programming. There are other constructs available in modern languages that make modular programming convenient and efficient. The notion that using global variables will greatly speed up a program by reducing function call overhead is a myth. Well-designed functions have low overhead that will not be noticeable in most cases.
Write cohesive code, i.e. keep related code together. Each subprogram should serve exactly one purpose and each purpose should be served by exactly one subprogram. Initialize loop variables in or immediately before the loop, not where it is out-of-sight such as in the variable definition at the start of a larger block. The reader should not have to jump around the program to find all the information needed to understand a code block.
Some code designed for big data computations could also be useful on a 16-bit microcontroller and vice-versa.
Choose data types according to the needs of the problem. E.g. In C, an integer variable that may contain values beyond the range of a 32-bit integer type should be defined as uint64_t or int64_t. The size of "int", "long", and "size_t" vary across CPUs and may be smaller than 64 bits on some systems. Some people complain about the variable size of these data types in C, but this feature allows you to write portable code that will perform optimally on all platforms. Use int when it doesn't matter if a variable is 16 bits or 32, and long when it doesn't matter if it's 32 or 64. This will help the compiler avoid multiple precision integer arithmetic, which takes twice as long as a single integer instruction. When size matters due to range requirements, use int64_t, int32_t, etc.
Write endian-independent code
Use bit operations and masks instead of bit fields, so that the code behaves the same way on big and little endian CPUs. See
If saving numeric data in binary format, choose an endianness for the file contents and use functions like htole32() [host to little-endian 32-bit] in endian.h as needed. These functions are not POSIX standardized as of 2023, but they are common and mostly portable.
#include <endian.h> uint32_t saved_bits, int_value; ... // Make sure value is written in little-endian format saved_bits = htole32(int_value); fwrite(&saved_bits, sizeof(saved_bits), 1, stream);
If there is a good reason to write hardware-specific code (e.g. to increase program speed by using AVX instructions), keep a portable implementation alongside the x86-optimized code. A sub-optimal solution for Power, ARM, and RISC-V is better than nothing. Users should never have to wait for us to "add support for processor X".
Before writing platform-specific code for speed, first see if the compiler's optimizer can optimize portable code. Modern compilers can generate SSE, AVX, Altivec, etc. instructions automatically using portable compiler flags like
. In some cases this may produce similar or even better results than hand-written non-portable code. Maintaining multiple non-portable versions of code is rarely worth the marginal performance gain. -
OS Portability
Level the playing field. Allow users to choose their OS based on its technical merits, such as reliability and performance, rather than force them to use an OS supported by your software.
POSIX is powerful. Using strictly POSIX code, we can meet virtually all needs. No need to hinder users by using unnecessary extensions from an OS they don't use.
All code should run on any POSIX platform (and any CPU architecture).
Avoid *nixisms
Look for portable implementations rather than lace the code with #ifdefs for specific platforms. The first solution you come up with when coding on BSD, Linux, or Mac may not be portable. Don't get attached to it. If it doesn't work on other platforms, look for a more portable solution before adding #ifdefs to your code. Then you'll have a permanent solution that will likely work on platforms you haven't even tested yet, rather than more work down the road to support other new platforms.
Assuming "sh" is "bash" is a common mistake that will not work on Debian or BSD, which use Almquist shell derivatives rather than bash.
Parsing files in /proc is not portable. /proc is deprecated on FreeBSD and the files use different formats on different systems.
Don't require Linux-only features such as cgroups or BSD-only features such as FreeBSD jails. Supporting them is fine, but make them optional.
If no standardized API exists for what you're doing, create one and publish it as a separate, installable library (such as libxtend, biolibc, libusb, etc). Doing this once will prevent countless applications from using redundant #ifdefs in the future.
Code should build using STOCK tools on any currently supported *nix distribution. Users should not be required to install a newer compiler in order to build the code. This is a common problem for RHEL-based platforms, which use older tools than the bleeding-edge distributions that many developers use. It may be tempting to use the latest C++ features, but it's not worth the headaches it will cause if users need to run your code on RHEL.
Write software accessible to the widest possible audience. If there are relevant standards in the field being served, adhere to them. Graphical programs should run under any desktop environment. GUI systems such as Qt make this as simple as possible. Programs that only work well under a certain desktop environment force others to waste time duplicating their functionality. Scientific programs should input and output files compatible with related software. The more choices scientists have for software tools, the fewer delays their research will encounter.
Check for every possible error condition. No exceptions (except perhaps output to the standard output and standard error). This means checking the status of every I/O operation, memory allocation, etc. If a function returns a status value, the code should check it and take appropriate action if it indicates a problem.
Test new code frequently. Do not write more than a few dozen lines of code without fully testing the changes. This way if there is a bug, it will be easy to find. If you write or change hundreds of lines of new code before testing, you'll waste many hours trying to find new bugs.
You can facilitate this by investing a very small amount of time preparing a test script and a small sample input that triggers all program features and can be processed in seconds or minutes.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Apply the wisdom of the RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) hardware design ideal to software development.
The simplest solution is always the easiest to maintain and usually the fastest, or at least close to it. Simpler code will have fewer bugs, which means end-users also waste less of their time and your time discussing problems.
Minimize COMPLEXITY, not lines of code. Writing cryptic, overly clever code to make it more compact or 1% faster is just showing off, and makes maintenance harder, not easier. Readability is as important as any other trait.
// Technically faster, but cryptic and probably has no effect on run time
// Use tricks like this only if they provide a meaningful speedup
buff_size <<= 1;
// Intent is clear here
buff_size *= 2;
- Don't overoptimize at the expense of simplicity and readability. Man-hours usually cost more than CPU-hours (except rare applications that use massive amounts of CPU time), so minimizing development and maintenance time is usually worth more than a 10% reduction in run-time. Do the math before you complicate the code with cleverness that benefits only your ego. If users run a program once a week and it takes 20 minutes, reducing run time to 15 minutes is inconsequential. If it uses 2,000 core-hours on an HPC cluster, reducing this to 1,500 is worth significant effort.
Utilizing existing libraries and programs rather than reinventing the wheel is generally a smart move. But not always.
Making your code depend on a huge library (e.g. boost) in order to use one or two functions from it may incur more cost than benefit. It increases build/install time and increases that possibility of breakage down the road due to API changes and bugs in the library.
Make sure that any dependencies you add are high quality. If the only existing wheel is a square limestone slab, it's time to reinvent it.
If there are multiple implementations of a dependency (e.g. BLAS/OpenBLAS), stick to standards (avoid using extensions supported by only one or a few of them) so that they will be interchangeable for your code. This will increase the odds of a successful deployment for all of your users, since any one implementation could have critical bugs at a given time.
All code is consistently indented with blank lines separating code blocks.
All variable names must be descriptive and unambiguous. Do not use abbreviations that cloud the meaning of the variable. Highly descriptive variable names make the code self-documenting, reducing the need for comments.
int count; // Ambiguous
int record_count; // Still ambiguous, what's in the record?
int client_count; // Better
- Comments should be brief and should add information that the code does not already reveal.
int client_count; // Integer variable to count clients (useless)
int client_count; // Total clients processed so far (helpful)
- Comments should never state WHAT a piece of code is doing. This only insults the reader's intelligence and doesn't aid understanding. Explain WHY the code is doing what it is doing, i.e. how it serves the purpose and why you chose to do it this way.
buff_size *= 2; // Double buff_size (insults the reader's intelligence)
buff_size *= 2; // Double to avoid too many realloc()s (helpful)
- cleverness * wisdom = constant
Making the meaning of your code obvious is far more important than showing
off your intricate knowledge of programming. For example, there's no
practical benefit to omitting == 0
or similar in a loop or if
condition. It saves a few keystrokes, but does not help performance.
It just makes the reader work harder to understand the code.
char *p, *name;
for (p = name; *p; ++p) // Just showing off
for (p = name; *p != 0; ++p) // Not clear that we're scanning chars
for (p = name; *p != '\0'; ++p) // Clear
Use the most efficient available algorithm for the purpose. This may mean using a simple O(N^2) algorithm rather than a more complex O(N*log N) algorithms where N is guaranteed to be small.
Use a fully compiled language where performance is important. Interpreted languages are orders of magnitude slower for the same algorithm. Just-in-time compiled languages like Java and Numba do much better, but still fall far short of C, C++, and Fortran while also using far more memory.
C is a simple language that anyone can master, and using it, you can write very fast code without having to be overly clever.
Don't use loops (including hidden loops like string, vector, or matrix copying if the language supports them) if they can be avoided. There is often an approach that uses scalar operations instead.
If you must use loops:
- Move as much code as possible out of the loop
- Minimize the number of iterations
Always try to minimize memory use. Using more memory rarely speeds up a program and more often slows it down. Programs that use less memory have a better cache hit ratio and hence far fewer memory wait cycles. Cache access is an order of magnitude faster than DRAM access. Occasionally it is advantageous to bring large amounts of data into memory (e.g. sorting, hash tables), but work hard to find alternatives. As an example, adding two matrices stored in files and saving the result to another file does not require the use of arrays. (Think about it.) Using arrays for this task only slows down the program and limits the size of the matrices it can process.
Apple's unified memory reduces the cache miss penalty, resulting in a smaller performance benefit for reducing memory use. However, large amounts of unified memory are very expensive, so unified memory systems tend to have less total RAM than DIMM-based computers. Also, it is physically impossible for unified memory systems to match the RAM capacity of external memory, due to simple size limits. This makes limiting memory use even more important for unified memory Macs.
Lastly, if we can minimize memory use to the point where the cache hit ratio is very high, then unified memory has minimal benefit, since memory beyond the cache is seldom accessed. We can often make any computer perform as well as one with unified memory by minimizing memory use.
Every library function has a man page. These can be generated from block comments by the auto-c2man and auto-script2man scripts. See libxtend and biolibc source files for examples.
Every executable has a man page. If the application is too complicated to describe in the man page format:
Consider whether the application is too big and should be broken into separate, more cohesive programs.
If it really must be so complex, write a simple man page providing an overview of its purpose, and in it tell the reader where to find the full manual in a more appropriate format. Don't make users waste time searching for documentation.
Write a simple build system that's easy to follow and portable.
A simple Makefile that respects standard build variables such as CC, CXX, CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, LDFLAGS, INSTALL, etc. is sufficient for most projects and easier to debug than more sophisticated build systems. See for detailed info on standard/common variables.
Configure tools like GNU autoconf and cmake may seem to make things easier, but they are cans of worms. Most of them end up becoming extremely complex in the attempt to make them work in various environments and almost invariably fail to achieve this goal. When they don't work (which is often) it's a nightmare for the end user. They'd have an easier time with a simple Makefile.
Respecting these variables means two things:
Use them. E.g. use CC, not CCOMPILER, in your make rules.
Allow them to be overridden by environment variables or make arguments. This can be achieved by assigning with ?= rather than = or :=. ?= sets a variable only if it was not already set in the environment or by a make argument. If a value is actually required, it can be added using +=. Suppose we have a program that must be compiled with the C macro POSIX defined:
# Does not respect environment or make arguments and compiles with # gcc -march=native -O4. This will not work where gcc is not installed. # If it does, it results in non-portable executables that will not run # on a lesser CPU because the compiler generates machine code for the # CPU where it is compiled. CC = gcc CFLAGS = -march=native -O4 -DPOSIX prog: prog.c ${CC} ${CFLAGS} prog.c -o prog
# Respects environment and make arguments CC ?= gcc # Use gcc only if CC is not specified CFLAGS ?= -march=native -O4 # Use only if CFLAGS not specified CFLAGS += -DPOSIX # Append to CFLAGS in all cases prog: prog.c ${CC} ${CFLAGS} prog.c -o prog
Now suppose we compile as follows:
make CC=cc CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -Wall"
env CC=cc CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -Wall" make
With the first makefile, we may see
gcc -march=native -O4 prog.c -o prog
Some make programs allow make arguments like CC=cc to override assignments like CC=gcc in the makefile, but others do not.
With the second makefile, we will always see
cc -O2 -pipe -Wall prog.c -o prog
Use portable commands. E.g., there is generally no reason to set CC to "gcc", since "cc" and "gcc" are the same on GNU-based systems such as Linux and "cc" is "clang" on FreeBSD and MacOS. Setting CC to "cc" will likely use the compiler that the user wants in most cases. If they really want "gcc" instead of the native compiler, they can easily specify that by running "make CC=gcc".
Do not bundle dependencies. The build system should build this project and nothing else. This is not only a good idea, it's policy for many mainstream package managers:
Instead, write software that works with the mainstream versions of all dependencies, which are installed separately. It's easier to maintain compatibility with mainstream libraries than to maintain a bundled fork of each of them.
Make the build-system package-friendly. If it's trivial to create a Debian package, a FreeBSD port, a MacPort, a pkgsrc packages, etc., then we'll more likely get free help from packager maintainers, so we can stay out of the software management business and focus on development. This can be achieved very simply with a clean Makefile that respects standard build variables such as CC, CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, etc., which most package managers already provide as environment variables or via the make command.
Containers are powerful tools and extremely useful when we need to isolate an environment for some reason. For example, they can be used very effectively to house numerous virtual web servers on the same hardware in complete isolation from each other, providing a high level of security with fairly low overhead. They can also be used for testing software in a pristine environment without the need to maintaining separate hardware for testing. They largely serve the same purpose as a virtual machine or emulator, but with much lower overhead. The main limitation is that they can only run an operating system or application highly compatible with the host.
Unfortunately, it seems that every great innovation quickly becomes a solution looking for problems and people flock to it like bugs to a lamp, employing it in inappropriate situations in an attempt to look sophisticated.
Before you get caught up in a fad that will cost you and your users a lot
of time and effort, think about the real cost and benefits.
Well-designed application software rarely benefits from being
containerized. If you have a clean build system, maintain compatibility with
mainstream prerequisite software, and take care to avoid conflicts with other
applications, there will be no need to maintain a container and make users
jump through the additional hoops of using it. They should be able to just
install it with a simple command and run it.
In the case of containers, they are often used to cover up inadequacies in software design rather than correct them. E.g., they can be used as a mechanism to bundle outdated, buggy libraries without causing conflicts with other versions, since they are isolated from each other. Sweeping problems into a container rather than correcting them with proper code maintenance only allows problems to accumulate. It is clearly not a sustainable approach to software development and deployment.
Use containers where they have a legitimate benefit, but never to isolate quality issues from the host system.
Object oriented design is a good practice and important for keeping complex programs maintainable. Unfortunately, languages with object-oriented support tend to be either overly complex, or interpreted which leads to poor performance.
Fortunately, it is possible to easily implement a basic object-oriented design in any language with structures and typedefs, such as C. C is a simple language that any scientist can master and provides the best general performance of any programming language if used properly.
A web search for OOP in C will reveal lots of advice on this subject.
Treat C structures like C++ or Java classes. This is easy to achieve following a few simple practices:
A C function should only directly access the members of one structure type. Use accessors and mutators for all other structure types. This makes it a member of that class and no others.
Prefix function names with a tag representing the class name. This is an effective substitute for name spaces, e.g.
in C++ can bemyclass_function(args)
in C. -
Realize that the object name before the '.' in C++ or Java is really just a pointer argument, referenced as
inside the function. Hence,object.function(x,y);
in C++ or Java is basically equivalent tofunction(&object,x,y);
in C. OOP is about high-level program organization, not the arrangement of language tokens.
Organize classes into separate source files as you would in C++ or Java. I.e., create one header file per structure type and one or more source files to contain the function (method) definitions.
Create accessor and mutator functions or macros for all structure members. That said, we must keep in mind that C has no "private" modifier to protect them from direct access by non-member functions, so it's up to the programmer to respect class boundaries. The auto-gen-get-set script can do most of the work here.
Creeping feature syndrome is a situation where good intentions ruin software over time. Features that aren't all that helpful but seem like a good idea gradually add to the complexity of the code and eventually erode maintainability and reliability.
We all like to be creative and make end-users happy, but there are negative consequences to consider as well. Before adding a cool new feature that you or one of your users feels will add convenience, assess the real value vs the cost of writing and more importantly, maintaining the additional code.
Follow the example of Dennis Ritchie and friends. They designed C and Unix by stripping away redundant and low-value features from earlier languages and operating systems and then committed to keeping them out. For example, C follows the rule that if a feature can be implemented reasonably well by a library function, then it should not be part of the language. Hence
if ( strcmp(string1,string2) == 0 )
instead of
if ( string1 == string2 )
The latter is a little prettier, but has no objective benefit. It makes the compiler more complex for no good reason.
If your software already provides a simple way to accomplish a task, then don't add more features just to make the same task a little more intuitive.
Also think through the full complexity of what the feature needs to accomplish. For example, is the string comparison above case sensitive? How will you provide for both case sensitive and case insensitive comparison using built-in operators? You may realize that it's better to just leave this to library functions once you consider how complex the problem really is.