This extension complements a license key management and its assignment to products which can then be picked up (via insert tags) and sent via the Notification Center.
If a member is logged in, this member will automatically be assigned the license key.
When using "license_collection", it is also checked whether the member can be determined from the order record, so that licenses can be sent later and the member can be assigned to it. Furthermore, the order ID is stored in the license.
The following insert tags are available:
* = Id of collection / product
With the module Ordered-Licenses the booked licenses can be displayed in the order confirmation.
To determine the current order and its licenses, the GET parameter "uid" must be in the URL. This is the case on the order confirmation page, for example. It would look something like this: "complete.html?uid=550af3fe73763"
Here are your ordered licenses 🎉
Here are your ordered licenses 🎉
When using an insert tag, the licenses are delivered via the "iso_licenses_default" template by default. If a third parameter is specified, an own template can be used. (For example {{license_collection::*::iso_licenses_mail}}