Rocket-Nginx is a Nginx configuration for the WordPress cache plugin WP Rocket. It enables Nginx to serve directly previously cached files without calling WordPress or any PHP. It also adds headers to cache CSS, JS and medias in order to leverage browser's cache by reducing request to your web server.
You might ask yourself: "How good is this configuration?".
Let's just say that WP Rocket themselves use it on their website to make it even faster!
This project is sponsored by SatelliteWP, a WordPress maintenance service located near Montreal, Canada. Our service is offered in both English and French. SatelliteWP fait de l'entretien de sites WordPress.
The configuration was created by Maxime Jobin (@maximejobin) and is now maintained by SatelliteWP.
As the configuration's goal is to serve cached files directly without having to execute any PHP from WordPress, this may cause your scheduled jobs to not be called. As you may already know, WP-Cron jobs are not real cron jobs and are executed only when you have visits on your site.
In order to make sure your scheduled tasks run when they should, it is strongly suggested to disable WordPress cron jobs and create a real cron job.
To disable WordPress cron job, add the following line to your wp-config.php
define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', true );
Then, manually a cron job every 15 minutes (it should be enough for most websites):
*/15 * * * * wget -q -O - &>/dev/null
*/15 * * * * curl &>/dev/null
*/15 * * * * cd /home/user/public_html; php wp-cron.php &>/dev/null
Make sure you test that your tasks still run after this change!
To use the script, you must include it in your actual configuration. If your WordPress website is not yet configured to run with Nginx, you can check the Nginx configuration for WordPress documentation.
Only one instance of Rocket-Nginx is needed for all your WordPress websites using WP Rocket. You can generate as many configuration files as needed.
You can create a folder rocket-nginx
directory in your Nginx configuration directory. If you are using Ubuntu, your Nginx configuration (nginx.conf) should be found in: /etc/nginx/
To install, you can:
cd /etc/nginx
git clone
Since version 2.0, the configuration must be generated. To generate the default configuration, you must rename the disabled ini file and run the configuration parser:
cd rocket-nginx
cp rocket-nginx.ini.disabled rocket-nginx.ini
php rocket-parser.php
This will generate the default.conf
configuration that can be included for all websites. If you need to alter the default configuration, you can edit the ini file and add another section at the bottom of the file.
Then, in your Nginx configuration file, you must include the generated configuration. If your websites configurations are in /etc/nginx/sites-available
, you need to alter your configuration:
server {
# Rocket-Nginx configuration
include rocket-nginx/conf.d/default.conf;
Before you reload your configuration, make sure you test it:
nginx -t
Once your test is done, you must reload your configuration.
service nginx reload
That's it.
There is no configuration to do. It will work out of the box. But, you can edit a couple of things...
Just open the rocket-nginx.ini
file and see all the options in it.
You can add a new section based on the default configuration like this:
# This creates the new section and will generate a new configuration
[ : default]
# This will add a value to invalidate the cache with a cookie
cookie_invalidate[] = "my_custom_cookie"
Once you edit the ini file, you must regenerate your Nginx configuration file by running the parser:
php rocket-parser.php
Then, newly added or modified sections will generate update configuration file (*.conf).
Finally, each time you generate (or regenerate) the configurations files, you have to:
Test it to make sure it did not produce any error:
nginx -t
Reload the configuration:
service nginx reload
Starting at version 3.0, a conf.d
folder is created. For each different profile you create, a subfolder is created inside that folder. In it, you can create files that will be included within the generated configuration file.
You can include configuration files at different times.
In the default profile, create a file in the conf.d/default/
having the following filename pattern : start.*.conf
In the default profile, create a file in the conf.d/default/
having the following filename pattern : global.*.conf
In the default profile, create a file in the conf.d/default/
having the following filename pattern : http.*.conf
In the default profile, create a file in the conf.d/default/
having the following filename pattern : css.*.conf
In the default profile, create a file in the conf.d/default/
having the following filename pattern : js.*.conf
In the default profile, create a file in the conf.d/default/
having the following filename pattern : media.*.conf
You may want to check if your files are served directly by Nginx and not calling any PHP. To do that, open the rocket-nginx.ini
file and change the debug value from:
debug = false
debug = true
The following header is present no matter if debug is set to true or false:
- X-Rocket-Nginx-Serving-Static: Did the configuration served the cached file directly : HIT, MISS, BYPASS. This will add the following headers to your response request:
- X-Rocket-Nginx-Reason: If serving static is not set to "HIT", what is the reason for calling WordPress. If "HIT", what is the file used (URL).
- X-Rocket-Nginx-File: If "HIT", what is the file used (path on disk).
Reasons for not serving a cached file:
- Post request: The request to the web server was a POST. That means data was sent and the answer may need to be different from the cached file (e.g. when a comment is sent).
- Arguments found: One or more argument was found in the request (e.g. ?page=2).
- Maintenance mode: The .maintenance file was found. Therefore, let's WordPress handle what should be displayed.
- Cookie: A specific cookie was found and tells to not serve the cached page (e.g. user is logged in, post with password).
- Specific mobile cache activated: If you activated specific cache (one for mobile and one for desktop) in WP Rocket, HTML files (pages, posts, ...) won't be served directly because Rocket-Nginx cannot know if the request was made by mobile or desktop device.
- File not cached: No cached file was found for that request.
Is Rocket-Nginx compatible with BF Cache (Back/forward cache)?
Yes! If your website does not display sensitive data and is a good match for Back/forward caching, you must must edit your Rocket-Nginx configuration by following the BF Cache discussion in the issues.
How do I upgrade from version 1 or 2 to version 3?
We suggest that you save your previous configuration and start over. Take this opportunity to review everything as many things have changed. Officially, version 3.x is not backward-compatible with previous versions. Starting from scratch should not take more than 15 minutes.
Many things!
- Query strings to cache are supported via the ini file. See the WP Rocket Cache query strings documentation for configuration.
- Query string to ignore are supported. See the WP Rocket Cache query strings to ignore documentation for configuration.
- Default HSTS value was removed.
- Custom configurations can be included in every sections
- Custom expiration are supported for CSS, JS and medias
- Allowing adding headers from the config file was removed.
Do you have any benchmark about the project ?
No. People love benchmark as much as they hate them. All benchmarks have people claiming that X or Y or Z could have been done to improve the outcome. In this project, the benchmark would depend on how many plugins you have that are affecting the page even if the output is in cache (e.g. WP Rocket executes PHP even when a file is in cache). What we can say though is that you will go from NGINX → PHP-FPM → WordPress (PHP and Database) → Static file to NGINX → Static file. In other words, you are serving the static file directly from NGINX instead of passing the request to FPM then to PHP (for WP Rocket... at least) before serving the static file.
Will Rocket-Nginx work if my website uses a SSL certificate (https) ?
Yes! Rocket-Nginx will detect if the request was made through HTTP or HTTPS and serve the right file depending on the request type. Both protocols are handled automagically since version 1.0.
Released under the MIT License. See the license file for details.