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API Documentation

Mitchell Shiell edited this page Jan 4, 2023 · 2 revisions

Here is a general outline for how you could structure the API documentation page

Brief overview

Provide a brief overview of the API



List and describe the different API endpoints, including expected parameters and expected responses. You may want to organize the endpoints by category or function

Example requests and responses

Provide examples of making requests to the API and the corresponding responses you can expect. This can help users understand how to use the API and how to interpret the response

Error codes

List and describe any error codes that the API may return. Explain what each error code means and how to troubleshoot it. You may wish to link troubleshooting tips to the troubleshooting page

Error Code Meaning Troubleshooting
400 The 400 bad request error is an HTTP status code that describes an error caused by an invalid request. Thus, the server can't understand and process it. Most HTTP error 400 bad requests are caused by malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing.

Best practices

Provide recommendations and best practices for using the API, such as how to optimize performance and avoid common pitfalls

Additional resources

Provide links to any additional resources that may be useful to users, Swagger UI (may want this up top too), forums, and support channels (slack)