Yet another sample theme for Hugo with base16 color schemes. Based on slender, inspired by hexo-theme-next
- Responsive
- Pagination
- base16 color schemes
- Code/syntax highlighting with highlight.js 9.1.0
- Proper meta tags for SEO
- Optimized for China
- Google Analytics And Baidu Tongji integration
- Disqus And Duoshuo integration
- MathJax Support
- Table of Content
- Tags + Archive
Make a new Hugo site
$ hugo new site your_site/
Install Slender
$ cd your_site/ $ mkdir themes $ cd themes $ git clone
# config.toml
baseurl = ""
title = "Your Title"
# set "zh-Hans", turn on optimization.
languageCode = "en-US"
MetaDataFormat = "yaml"
theme = "slender-next"
paginate = 5
PaginatePath = "/page/"
name = "Your Name"
# Permalink format for pages.
page = "/:title/"
# Permalink format for blog posts.
post = "/:year/:month/:day/:title/"
# tags -> menu.main.tags
tag = "tags"
# archive -> menu.main.archive
archive = "archive"
# Change the color scheme of Slender.
# See above for preview and list of color schemes.
colorscheme = "white"
# Tagline; HTML accepted here. Keep it concise.
tagline = "Your Tagline"
# copyright, see
licenses = "BY-NC-SA"
copyrightYear = "2015 - 2016"
# Description and keywords for <meta> tags.
# Remember to set this for your main page.
# This will be overridden by whatever is set by the page or post,
# defined by `description` and `keywords` variables in the front matter
# of the markdown file.
description = "Default Page Description"
keywords = "default,page,keywords"
# Analytics
# Remove, comment, or leave it blank if you don't have one.
googleAnalytics = "GoogleAnalyticsParams"
baiduTongji = "BaiduTongji"
# Comment
# Remove or comment if you don't have one.
# if both set,
# zh-Hans: duoshuoShortname > disqusShortname
# else: disqusShortname > duoshuoShortname
duoshuoShortname = "your-duoshuo"
disqusShortname = "you-disqus"
# MathJax
# see:
mathjax = true # enable
mathHideMenu = false
mathZoom = "Double-Click"
mathRenderer = "SVG"
# Menu for the nav bar.
# There must always be one item present (e.g. home).
# identifier: Font Awesome icon name
identifier = "fa-home"
name = "Home"
url = "/"
weight = 0
identifier = "fa-user"
name = "About"
url = "/about/"
weight = 1
identifier = "fa-archive"
name = "Archive"
url = "/archive/"
weight = 2
identifier = "fa-tags"
name = "Tags"
url = "/tags/"
weight = 3
Making a new post / article
$ hugo new post/
Making a new page
$ hugo new page/
Add the new page to navbar in config.toml
under [menu]
Turn on MathJax
Post's front matter. Default: "off"
mathjax: "on"
Turn off TOC
Post's front matter. Default: "on"
toc: "off"
Put your favicon (both png
and icon
format) in static/assets/
MIT © 2015 CrimsonRay
MIT © 2016 Neil Shen