usage: imagefactory [-h] [--version] [-v] [--debug] [--foreground] [--config CONFIG]
[imgdir IMGDIR] [--warehouse WAREHOUSE] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
[--qmf] [--broker BROKER] [--image IMAGE]
[--template TEMPLATE] [--target TARGET]
[--provider PROVIDER] [--credentials CREDENTIALS]
System image creation tool...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version Version info
-v, --verbose Set verbose logging.
--debug Set really verbose logging for debugging.
--foreground Stay in the foreground and avoid launching a daemon.
(default: False)
--config CONFIG Configuration file to use. (default:
--image IMAGE The UUID of the image to build or push
--imgdir IMGDIR Build image files in location specified. (default:
--warehouse WAREHOUSE
URL of the warehouse location to store images.
--timeout TIMEOUT Set the timeout period for image building in seconds.
(default: 3600)
QMF agent:
Provide a QMFv2 agent interface.
--qmf Turn on QMF agent interface. (default: False)
--qpidd QPIDD URL of qpidd to connect to. (default: localhost)
Image building:
Build specified system and exit.
--template TEMPLATE Template XML file to build from.
--target TARGET List of cloud services to target
Image pushing:
Push an image and exit.
--provider PROVIDER List of cloud service providers to which the image
should be pushed
--credentials CREDENTIALS
Cloud provider credentials XML
QMFv2 Python bindings - Download
These binding are part of the qpid-cpp package
Oz - Download
Oz is a set of classes and scripts to do automated installations of various guest operating systems.
Image Warehouse - Download
Provides storage for images and related metadata.
Note: You can install these packages via yum using the Aeolus repository. See the GET AEOLUS page for more details on adding this repository to your yum setup.