This benchmark is dedicated to tuning cross-silo FL strategies on Flamby's datasets. The goal is to maximize the average metric across clients using each provided model on the val/test clients:
where n_features
) stands for the number of features
Try to beat the FLamby by adding your own solver !
You can even use your favorite python FL-frameworks such as substra or FedBioMed to build your solver !
First go to Flamby and install it using the following commands (see the API Doc if needed):
$ git clone $ cd FLamby $ conda create -n benchmark_flamby $ conda activate benchmark_flamby $ pip install -e ".[all_extra]" # Note that the all_extra option installs all dependencies for all 7 datasets
This benchmark can then be run on Fed-TCGA-BRCA's validation sets using the following commands, which will launch a grid-search on all parameters found in utils/ for the FederatedAveraging strategy doing 120 rounds (--max-runs 12 * 10) with 100 local updates per round:
$ pip install -U benchopt $ cd .. $ git clone $ cd benchmark_flamby $ benchopt run --timeout 24h --max-runs 12 -s FederatedAveraging -d Fed-TCGA-BRCA
To test a specific value of hyper-parameters just fill a yaml config file with the appropriate hyper-parameters for each solver following the example_config.yml example config file.
$ benchopt run --config ./example_config.yml
Or use directly the CLI:
$ benchopt run -s FederatedAveraging[batch_size=32,learning_rate=0.031622776601683794]
For the whole benchmark on Fed-TCGA-BRCA we successively run all hyper-parameters of the grid for all strategies. To reproduce results just launch the following command (note that it takes several hours to complete but can be cached):
$ bash
This script should reproduce the html plot visible on the results for Fed-TCGA-BRCA and produce a config with all best validation hyper-parameters for each strategy.
To produce the final plot on the test run:
$ benchopt run --timeout 24h --config ./best_config_test_Fed-TCGA-BRCA.yml
To benchmark on other datasets of FLamby, follow FLamby's instructions to download each dataset, for example you can find Fed-Heart-Disease's download's instructions here. Then once the dataset is downloaded one can run the same commands changing the dataset argument i.e.:
For the validation:
$ bash Fed-Heart-Disease
For the results on the test sets:
$ benchopt run --timeout 24h --config ./best_config_found_for_heart_disease.yml
Use benchopt run -h
for more details about these options, or visit
Unfortunately some of flamby dependencies still rely on old sklearn versions see sklearn doc. about ways to fix it. So one way is to set the SKLEARN_ALLOW_DEPRECATED_SKLEARN_PACKAGE_INSTALL environment variable to True. On Linux do:
$ ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flamby.whatever'