In my free time, I maintain a large number of side projects. This abstraction as an org helps to utilize the GitHub org features (like org wide action runners and common secrets) to simplify the interaction with the cloud infrastructure. The cloud infrastructure is based on a K3S cluster which dynamically allocates resources in the HCLOUD.
See ya, Jan Hasselberg
- kubernetes-terraform to deploy k3s on top of HCloud
- Personal Blog (Next.js, React, K3s)
- reusable GitHub actions for CI/CD-integrations to K3S and AWS mostly S3 and Cloudfront for some fronts
- keycloak teraform (IDP for secret project)
- Stretch Tracker
- Advent Calendar 2023
- Likedeeler (Vue, Strapi, Cloudfront, S3)
- Advent Calendar 2024 (Vue.js, Apollo Server - GraphQL, Cloudfront, S3, K3s)
- ✨ Canoe Polo in Rostock (Next.js, React, Strapi, K3s)