Please take a moment to review this document in order to make the contribution
process easy and effective for everyone involved. is not maintained here, but in
This repo contains the Wordpress theme for To setup a (development) environment please note the following.
The theme is work in progress. Some contents are still hardcoded and not cms'ified yet.
Install the plugin and import
If the custom fields are changed in production please export the custom fields setup and overwrite the acf-export.json file.
Processor for SCSS files. SCSS directory: /scss/ CSS directory: /css/ Compiling Mode: Crunched Source Map Mode: None Error Display: Show to logged in users Enqueue Stylesheets: Yes Enables multiple authors on articles
Handles the administration of custom post types. Please see custom_post_types_export.txt. Import this file to set up all custom post types. If custom post types are changed in production please export and overwrite the file custom_post_types_export.txt.
Not feature but security relevant. Most important settings are:
- hide standard wordpress login page (URL changer)
- enable 2FA
- enable Bruteforce protection
The following plugins are needed for some features but do not impair the websites basic features.
Caches pages for faster content delivery and optimizes script compression and loading. Note that for production environment the /changelog/ URL must be entered as URL rule to not be cached (see "Auto-pull of Changelogs" below)
Mandatory for SEO and page loading optimization.
Includes recent tweets from a twitter channel
Easily set up contact forms
Design addon for Contact Forms 7 There are some custom changes on this plugin:
plugins/material-design-for-contact-form-7/freemius/includes/class-freemius.php: remove line 3014: Avoid API call which slows down DB
plugins/material-design-for-contact-form-7/admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php: remove line line 28: Prevent DB performance decrease
This needs to be considered if the plugin gets updated!
Enables post preview links
The pages on are pulled via cronjob from (for example "server")
These pages must not be cached, see the WP Fastest Cache Settings above.