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ownCloud 6 Features

Frank Karlitschek edited this page Dec 11, 2013 · 27 revisions

This collects all the new features of ownCloud 6. This will be used for the release announcement.

Main Features

  • ownCloud Documents
  • User Avatars
  • Previews in files app and other places
  • Updated design, less clutter and more whitespace
  • Public gallery sharing
  • Activities
  • Better file conflict handling dialog
  • Improved public App API
  • Sharing API
  • Example Files
  • Share Email Notifications

Minor Features

  • New Doctrine based database layer
  • Plural translations
  • Refactored OC.dialogs (both code and design wise)
  • Priorize often used languages in personal-settings language selection
  • Update jquery to 1.10.0 and add jquery-migrate 1.2.1
  • Show a summary as the last filelist entry
  • Improve app-management (more verbose error-messages)
  • Show 'More apps' link to app administration directly in app navigation
  • templates for newly created files
  • Add MB indicator to size column
  • Google Drive external storage uses a new library - requires new authentication setup:
  • New icons for shared and external folders
  • File uploads conflicts dialog
  • Possibility to prepopulate a new users home with a skeleton
  • Public upload with encryption enabled
  • Users now can decrypt the files again if the encryption app was enabled
  • Many quota related fixes
  • Total used space (with quota) now only counts user's own files (see for details)
  • Many external storage fixes, improved performance
  • Improved file navigation performance by using Ajax calls (no full page reload for each folder)
  • The file owner can now also restore deleted shared files
  • New version drop-down with previews and the ability to download versions directly

And many more

Shipped apps


  • Oct. 4th Feature freeze. All new features has to be merged by then. Please submit your pull requests as soon as possible so that the reviewers have time to review and to give you feedback. If you are working on bigger features please inform me as soon as possible.
  • Oct. 7th Release ownCloud 6 alpha 1
  • Oct. 14th Release ownCloud 6 alpha 2
  • Oct. 21th Release ownCloud 6 beta 1 Only important bugfixes are allowed from now on.
  • Oct. 28th Release ownCloud 6 beta 2
  • Nov. 6th Release ownCloud 6 beta 3
  • Nov. 27th Release ownCloud 6 RC 1 Only showstopper bugfixes are allowed from now on.
  • Nov. 29th Branching of master to stable6
  • Dec. 4th Release ownCloud 6 RC 2
  • Dec. 6th Final packages
  • Dec. 11th Announcement and public availability