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📱 ⚙️ iOS scenario testing using feature files. Gherkin language, Cucumber as tool and Appium interaction with devices/emulators


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Scenarios contained in feature files written in Gherkin language. Available scenarios can be found here.

Defined for the ownCloud iOS app

Global overview

Get the code

  • With git:

git clone


Different requirements:

  • Appium instance running and reachable. Last Appium review: v2.11.2

  • At least, one iOS simulator attached and reachable.

  • The following libraries and dependencies to be installed:

    • authorize-ios: A little utility that pre-authorizes Instruments to run UIAutomation scripts against iOS devices
    • ios-deploy : Allows install and debug iOS apps from the command line
    • ideviceinstaller: A command-line application to manage apps on iOS devices
    • ios-webkit-debug-proxy: Allows to send commands to MobileSafari and UIWebViews
    • ios-sim : Simulator manager (start, launch...)

How to test

1. Build app

First, build the app from the expected branch/commit to get the test object. Before building, execute the following commands in the app's folder:

gsed -i 's/.showBetaWarning : true/.showBetaWarning : false/i' ownCloudAppShared/Tools/VendorServices.swift
grep .showBetaWarning ownCloudAppShared/Tools/VendorServices.swift
gsed -i '170,200d' ownCloud/Release\ Notes/ReleaseNotesHostViewController.swift
grep -C 2 shouldShowReleaseNotes ownCloud/Release\ Notes/ReleaseNotesHostViewController.swift
gsed -i '136i OCConnectionAllowedAuthenticationMethodIDs : @[ OCAuthenticationMethodIdentifierBasicAuth ],' ios-sdk/ownCloudSDK/Connection/OCConnection.m

These instructions:

  • will disable the beta warning
  • will disable the release notes
  • will set basic auth as forced authentication method, required to execute the test suites

App is built via Xcode or CLI (xcodebuild)

After building, the artifact is located in:


move the to the correct place in the current tests project: /src/test/resources

(in the current repository will be always an file located in the correct place.)

2. Execute tests

The script executeTests will launch the tests. The following environment variables must be set in advance

	$OC_SERVER_URL (mandatory): URL of ownCloud server to test against
	$UDID_DEVICE (optional): UDID of the device to execute the tests against.
		To get the UDID of available simulators, use the  command `xcrun simctl list`
	$APPIUM_URL (optional): Appium server URL.
		If Appium Server is not specified, will be used "localhost:4723/wd/hub"

The script needs some parameters. Check help executeTests -h

To execute all tests but the ignored ones (or any other tagged ones):

export UDID_DEVICE=F10FFCD4-CE92-4F40-B246-9709A4D4086A
export OC_SERVER_URL=https://my.owncloud.server
export APPIUM_URL=localhost:4723
./executeTests -t "not @ignore"

The execution will display step by step how the scenario is being executed.

More info in Cucumber reference

NOTE: Since there are two kinds of backends available (oC10, oCIS), not all tests are suitable to be executed over both. Those tests have been tagged with:

  • nooc10: tests to be executed only over oCIS, not suitable for oC10.
  • noocis: tests to be executed only over oC10, not suitable for oCIS.

It's important to execute the tests with the mentioned tags to avoid wrong positives. Example commands:

./executeTests -t "not @ignore and not @noocis"
This command will execute tests that are not ignored and suitable for oCIS. If this command is run over an oC10 instance, some tests will fail.

./executeTests -t "not @ignore and not @nooc10"
This command will execute tests that are not ignored and suitable for oC10. If this command is run over an oCIS instance, some tests will fail.


In the folder target, you will find a report with the execution results in html and json formats.

Besides of that, by setting the file allow to integrate reports with Cucumber reports. An account in such platform (integrated with GitHub) is enough to use it. A new env variable must be set in advance in order to send reports to the platform. Token is provided in the Cucumber Reports account for every collection:


Also, in file with the following values (disabled by default):


Note: This repository was forked from Cucumber-java skeleton repository, which contains the base skeleton to start working.


Up to date: 02/Aug/2024

Cucumber version 7.18.0
Appium version 2.11.2
Appium xcuitest driver version 5.16.1
Java client version 9.2.2