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This is a framework for end-to-end testing the core storage functionality of owncloud-based service installation. This test framework may be run interactively from a command line, perform continous testing via cron jobs or stress/load testing. It may be easily integrated in testing and QA process.

What we check:

  • sync clients in various scenarios
  • trashbin and versioning
  • sharing of files and folders
  • basic protocol checks and documentation

The goal of this is to:

  • make sure that behaviour of the system is understood and not changing unintentionally
  • reproduce difficult bugs more easily
  • a testcase is better way of reporting and documenting bugs or undesider behaviour to the developers
  • provide a broad test coverage given a large number of setups and platforms

If you think you see a bug - write a test-case and let others reproduce it on their systems.


  • Find your localhost owncloud server ip using e.g. ipconfig
  • Execute smashbox run over that server e.g. Ensure to mount smashdir and tmp directory to local filesystem to be able to debug test run and cache client build
  • Smash wrapper will check if test nplusone exists in lib folder under test_[name].py scheme
docker run \
-e SMASHBOX_URL=<ip>:<port>/<path-to-oc> \
-e SMASHBOX_TEST_NAME=nplusone \
-v ~/smashdir:/smashdir \
-v /tmp:/tmp \
  • Check run logs
$ cat ~/smashdir/log-test_nplusone.log | grep error (..warning, critical etc)
  • Check client logs
$ cat ~/smashdir/test_nplusone/worker0-ocsync.step01.cnt000.log  | grep error (..warning, critical etc)
  • Check sync client directories of workers
$ ls ~/smashdir/test_nplusone/worker1/
  • You can also run whole integration tests suite in docker for you server

Important integration tests

Important performance tests

  • Upload/Download of small/big files
    • Test should monitor upload/download sync time in each of the scenarious (TODO)
    • Test (index 0) verifies performance of many small files - 100 files - each 1kB
    • Test (index 1) verifies performance of 1 big over-chunking-size file of total size 60MB
  • Shared Mount Performance
    • PROPFIND on root folder - initialize mount points (initMount is done only on 1st propfind on received shares)
    • PROPFIND on root folder with initialized content and mount points
    • PUT to non-shared folder
    • PUT to shared folder
    • GET to non-shared folder
    • GET to shared folder

Project tree

General layout:

   ├── bin/
   │   └── smash*                               : main test driver + other utilities for direct shell use
   ├── etc/				
   │   └── smashbox.conf                        : configuration file - this is also the default configuration for smashbox/bin utilities and for test-cases
   ├── lib/                                     : main collection of test-cases
   │   ├──			
   │   └── ...  			        
   ├── protocol/                                : sync protocol tests and documentation
   ├── python/                                  : implementation of tools and API library for tests
   │   └── smashbox/utilities                   : here is the utilities used directly in the test-cases
   ├── server/                                  : server-side procedures used in the tests
   ├── client/                                  : owncloud client helpers 
   │   └── compile-owncloud-sync-client*        : 
   └── README                                   : this file


Note: Currently this framework works on Unix-like systems only. Windows port is needed.

Clone git repository into your local smashbox directory.

Copy the etc/smashbox.conf.template into etc/smashbox.conf

Note: a helper shell script, makeconfig, has been added to the etc directory. Edit this file to make some of the more common configuration changes and then run the script.
This will create a local smashbox.conf file.

Set the oc_sync_cmd to the location of the owncloud command-line client (see client/compile-owncloud-sync-client if you don't have one yet compiled).

Set the oc_account_password.

Otherwise the default configuration should work out-of-the-box if you run the smashbox tests locally on the owncloud server. You should try that first (on the TEST server instance).

Support has been added for the provisioning API which creates a dependency on the pyocclient repo.

To install the library, run the following after checking out your branch:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to use a local copy of pyocclient, you can add the following to your shell environment:

export PYTHONPATH=/local/path/to/pyocclient/repo/branch

and clone git repository into your local pyocclient directory.

First test runs

When you run a test several workers (clients) are started in parallel locally and access owncloud server according to the test-case scenario. The test-case specifies which actions happen simultaneously.


# help on all available options
bin/smash --help

# basic test
bin/smash lib/

# basic test, specifying test number as specified in tests' `testsets` array
bin/smash -t 0 lib/

# run a test with different paremeters
bin/smash -o nplusone_nfiles=10 lib/

# run all tests - print summaries only
bin/smash --quiet lib/test_*.py

You will find main log files in ~/smashdir/log* and all temporary files and detailed logs for each test-case in ~/smashdir/

Monitoring integration

Currently, monitoring module is supporting local and prometheus endpoints. Prometheus endpoint can be used in integration with Jenkins.

By default, two values are prepared for export, 'total_duration' and 'number_of_queries', however one can embed inside the test their custom variables using e.g. commit_to_monitoring("download_duration",time1-time0) inside lib/ test.

NOTE: To enable checking number of queries, one need to set oc_check_diagnostic_log = True in the smashbox.conf file

NOTE: To enable diagnostics in SUMMARY level on the server one need to go to the server directory e.g. /var/www/owncloud and:

git clone apps/diagnostics
sudo -u www-data php occ app:enable diagnostics
sudo -u www-data php occ config:system:set --value true debug
sudo -u www-data php occ config:app:set --value 1 diagnostics diagnosticLogLevel

Export to local monitor example:


bin/smash -t 1 -o monitoring_type=local lib/

will execute index 1 of test_nplusone test and adding option flag -o monitoring_type=local will result in the below output if test has been completed successfully

download_duration 0.750847816467
upload_duration 1.4001121521
returncode 0
elapsed 6.87230300903

or below in case of failure

returncode 2
elapsed 7.0446870327

Export to prometheus with jenkins example:


bin/smash -t 1 -o monitoring_type=prometheus -o endpoint=http://localhost:9091/metrics/job/jenkins/instance/smashbox -o duration_label=jenkins_smashbox_test_duration -o queries_label=jenkins_smashbox_db_queries -o owncloud=daily-master -o client=2.3.1 -o suite=nplusonet1 -o build=test_build1 lib/

will result in:

  • pushing the monitoring points to the Prometheus endpoint http://localhost:9091/metrics/job/jenkins/instance/smashbox
  • Adding flags -o duration_label=jenkins_smashbox_test_duration and -o queries_label=jenkins_smashbox_db_queries will cause default results 'total_duration' and 'number_of_queries' to be exported to Prometheus.
  • Additional flags -o owncloud=daily-master, -o client=2.3.1, -o suite=nplusonet1, -o build=test_build1 can be used in order to distinguish smashbox runs

or below in case of failure to push to monitoring

curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 9091: Connection refused

Adding custom monitoring endpoint:

One can add their own monitoring endpoint by adding new option in push_to_monitoring. You can test your custom test (as in test_nplusone) and monitoring endpoint setting flag -o monitoring_type=MY_CUSTOM_MONITORING_TYPE e.g. -o monitoring_type=local


Different client/server

Make sure you can passwordlessly ssh to the server node (only for some admin tasks like creating accounts) You will need to set oc_server, oc_server_shell_cmd.

If you don't keep the same path on the server and the client to the smashbox git repository clone then you will need to set oc_server_tools_path.

As of version x.x, the provisioning API is used for user management on the server so this is no longer needed.

Adding new tests

Simply add new tests to smashbox/lib. If you have specific tests which are not generally applicable or which belong to the same functional category it is best to store them in a subdirectory, e.g. smashbox/lib/oc-tests.

If you need to add new utilities then add a module in smashbox/python/smashbox/utilities.

Design criteria for this testing software

  • test scripts with minimal code clutter
  • possible to run individual test scripts or the whole suite at once
  • convenient run environment for systematic and ad-hoc testing
  • easy and flexible configuration
  • easy to add and run tests in an additional lib
  • possibility to extend with cluster mode (distributed workers)

Test configuration details

Configuration may be set globally in smashbox/etc/smashbox.conf, passed as a command line option to commands or hardcoded in the code of an individual test. This is also the priority order - whatever is defined last wins.

In the future we would like to add other possibilities (lib/smashbox.conf, $SMASHBOX_CONF file if defined)

Local working directories keep temporary files, local sync folders, etc. General structure (some elements of the path may be ommited, others may be transformed)::


Server test accounts follow this general naming scheme (some elements may be ommited, others may be transformed) ::


Organization of test directories

Consider running an simple test::

smash smashbox/lib/

If workdir_runid_enabled option is enabled then local working directory will be everytime different (and unique)::


The format of identifier is defined by the runid option.

Otherwise the local working directory will be the same (and cleaned-up before running the test)::


If oc_account_runid_enabled is enabled then the test account on the server will be everytime different (and unique)::


Otherwsie the test account on the server will be everytime the same (and will be cleaned-up before running the test)::


The account_cleanup_procedure defines how the account is cleaned-up before running the test. These procedures are defined in smashbox/python/smashbox.


No packages published


  • Python 99.1%
  • Other 0.9%