lib to manage json
Need to be done next:
- support array
- correct bug on display
- prevent multiple element with same key in one object
- manage integers
- created by user by jsonSetObject()
- in a read file / string
- add function to parse string
- add function to get one element
- add function to set an element
- add function to set an object
- add function to print JSON in file/string
- add documentation in header
- remove properly object when an element is removed form array
- verify memory leak with valgrind
You can found a fully functionnal exemple int jsonParser.c
at the of file in a week main
The json was stored in a json_el
array, each new element is stored in a json_el
and added at the en of array.
For exemple a json like : "[{key:value},2]" was stored as it :
array[ 0 ] = {
.key = NULL,
.value = (void**)[2], // array of pointer sized by array[0].length
// [0] = pointer on int what contain the index of object in the array, in this case (1)
// [1] = pointeur on double that contain `2`
.type = (JSON_TYPE*)[2] // array of type of value element, sized by array[0].length
// [0] = jT(array)
// [1] = jT(double)
.length = 2,
array[ 1 ] = {
.key = (char**)[1], // array of string that contain key, sized by array[1].length
// [0] = key
.value = (void**)[1], // array of pointer sized by array[1].length
// [0] = value
.type = (JSON_TYPE*)[1] // sized by array[1].length
// [0] = jT(string)
.length = 1