all the configuration files needed in the kubernetes cluster
- :5432 - PostgreSQL port
- :6379 - Redis port
- :8500 - Gateway REST API
- :8501 - Shard orchestrator API
- :8502 - Dashboard site & API
- :8503 - Sharder APIs
- :8900 - ROUTER to discord-bucket-zmq-proxy
- :8901 - DEALER from discord-bucket-zmq-proxy
- :8902 - now open
- :8903 - now open
- :8904 - PUSH to sharder-messages-zmq-proxy
- :8905 - PULL from sharder-messages-zmq-proxy
- :8906 - PUSH to event-handler-zmq-proxy
- :8907 - PULL from event-handler-zmq-proxy
- 0 - discord-bucket
- 2 - oauth2 for dashboard
- 3 - ratelimits for dashboard
config and secret json files should be named config-{ENV} and secret-{ENV}, respectively
"namespace": "oxyl-development",
"dashboardURL": "",
"database": "oxyl",
"clientID": "441692408363876352"
"discord": {
"token": "",
"secret": ""
"postgres": {
"user": "",
"password": ""