Before compilation, make sure that all required external libraries are installed:
- LATfield2 (modified) (
- FFTW version 3
- GNU Scientific Library (GSL) including CBLAS
- HDF5
Make sure that the include paths are set properly, or add them to the makefile. Also check the compiler settings in the makefile. The code is compiled by typing:
make clean; make
A typical command to run a simulation looks like this:
mpirun -np 16 ./asevolution -n 4 -m 4 -s settings.ini
For further information, please refer to the User Manual (manual.pdf)
Additional parameters added for AsGRD are explained in metadata.hpp
A settings.ini file that makes a cosmological run with the (a)symmetron may be found in ./settings/ together with a settings file for evolving the LCDM universe.
In order to use animation, use the LATfield2 version linked to above. animation parameters are set in example ideal wall files.
- Snapshots and animations of the B-field are outputted with a factor
$a^2\cdot$ sim.numpts too large and need to be adjusted in post-processing. - Snapshots and animations of the hij_prime- and aq fields are outputted dimensionfully and need to be adjusted by division with e.g. H_prime in post-processing.