PegoMock is a mocking framework for the Go programming language. It integrates well with Go's built-in testing
package, but can be used in other contexts too. It is based on golang/mock, but uses a DSL closely related to Mockito.
Pegomock consists of a binary pegomock
and a package. Install both via:
go install
go get
This will download the package and install an executable pegomock
in the directory named by the $GOBIN
environment variable, which defaults to $GOPATH/bin
or $HOME/go/bin
if the $GOPATH
environment variable is not set.
The pegomock
binary is used to generate mocks and to watch over changes in interfaces. The package is used in your tests to create and verify mocks.
See also section Tracking the pegomock tool in your project for a per-project control of the tool version.
For migration from Pegomock v1/v2 to v3, see Migration notes in v3 release description.
For migration from Pegomock v3 to v4, see Migration notes in v4 release description.
The preferred way is:
import (
func TestUsingMocks(t *testing.T) {
mock := NewMockPhoneBook(pegomock.WithT(t))
// use your mock here
Alternatively, you can set a global fail handler within your test:
func TestUsingMocks(t *testing.T) {
mock := NewMockPhoneBook()
// use your mock here
Note: In this case, Pegomock uses a global (singleton) fail handler. This has the benefit that you don’t need to pass the fail handler down to each test, but does mean that you cannot run your XUnit style tests in parallel with Pegomock.
If you configure both a global fail handler and a specific one for your mock, the specific one overrides the global fail handler.
When a Pegomock verification fails, it calls a FailHandler
. This is a function that you must provide using pegomock.RegisterMockFailHandler()
If you’re using Ginkgo, all you need to do is:
before you start your test suite.
Ginkgo introduced a new keyword in its DSL: When
. This causes name collisions when dot-importing both Ginkgo and Pegomock. To avoid this, you can use a different dot-import for Pegomock which uses Whenever
instead of When
. Example:
package some_test
import (
. ""
. ""
var _ = Describe("Some function", func() {
When("certain condition", func() {
It("succeeds", func() {
mock := NewMockPhoneBook()
Let's assume you have:
type Display interface {
Show(text string)
The simplest way is to call pegomock
from within your go package specifying the interface by its name:
cd path/to/package
pegomock generate Display
This will generate a mock_display_test.go
file which you can now use in your tests:
// creating mock
display := NewMockDisplay()
// using the mock
display.Show("Hello World!")
// verifying
display.VerifyWasCalledOnce().Show("Hello World!")
I've looked at some of the other frameworks, but found none of them satisfying:
GoMock seemed overly complicated when setting up mocks and verifying them. The command line interface is also not quite intuitive. That said, Pegomock is based on the GoMock, reusing mostly the mockgen code.
Counterfeiter uses a DSL that I didn't find expressive enough. It often seems to need more lines of code too. In one of its samples, it uses e.g.:
fake.DoThings("stuff", 5) Expect(fake.DoThingsCallCount()).To(Equal(1)) str, num := fake.DoThingsArgsForCall(0) Expect(str).To(Equal("stuff")) Expect(num).To(Equal(uint64(5)))
In Pegomock, this can be written as simple as:
fake.DoThings("stuff", 5) fake.VerifyWasCalledOnce().DoThings("stuff", 5)
In addition, Pegomock provides a "watch" command similar to Ginkgo, which constantly watches over changes in an interface and updates its mocks. It gives the framework a much more dynamic feel, similar to mocking frameworks in Ruby or Java.
type Display interface {
Show(text string)
// creating mock:
display := NewMockDisplay()
// using the mock:
display.Show("Hello World!")
// verifying:
display.VerifyWasCalledOnce().Show("Hello World!")
type PhoneBook interface {
GetPhoneNumber(name string) string
// creating the mock
phoneBook := NewMockPhoneBook()
// stubbing:
When(phoneBook.GetPhoneNumber("Invalid")).ThenPanic("Invalid Name")
// prints "345-123-789":
// panics:
// prints "", because GetPhoneNumber("Dan") was not stubbed
// Although it is possible to verify a stubbed invocation, usually it's redundant
// If your code cares what GetPhoneNumber("Tom") returns, then something else breaks (often even before a verification gets executed).
// If your code doesn't care what GetPhoneNumber("Tom") returns, then it should not be stubbed.
// Not convinced? See
- By default, for all methods that return a value, a mock will return zero values.
- Once stubbed, the method will always return a stubbed value, regardless of how many times it is called.
supports chaining, i.e.ThenReturn(...).ThenReturn(...)
etc. The mock will return the values in the same order the chaining was done. The values from the lastThenReturn
will be returned indefinitely when the number of call exceeds theThenReturn
Stubbing functions that have no return value requires a slightly different approach, because such functions cannot be passed directly to another function. However, we can wrap them in an anonymous function:
// creating mock:
display := NewMockDisplay()
// stubbing
When(func() { display.Show("Hello World!") }).ThenPanic("Panicking")
// panics:
display.Show("Hello World!")
Pegomock provides matchers for stubbing and verification.
display := NewMockDisplay()
// Calling mock
display.Show("Hello again!")
// Verification:
phoneBook := NewMockPhoneBook()
// Stubbing:
// Prints "123-456-789":
// Also prints "123-456-789":
Important: When you use argument matchers, you must always use them for all arguments:
// Incorrect, panics:
When(contactList.getContactByFullName("Dan", AnyString())).thenReturn(Contact{...})
// Correct:
When(contactList.getContactByFullName(Eq("Dan"), AnyString())).thenReturn(Contact{...})
Matching custom types:
type SearchQuery struct { ... }
display := NewMockDisplay()
// Calling mock
display.Show("Hello, again")
display.Show("And again")
// Verification:
// or:
// or:
display.VerifyWasCalled(Never()).Show("This one was never called")
display1 := NewMockDisplay()
display2 := NewMockDisplay()
// Calling mocks
display2.Show("Another two")
// Verification:
inOrderContext := new(InOrderContext)
display1.VerifyWasCalledInOrder(Once(), inOrderContext).Show("One")
display2.VerifyWasCalledInOrder(Once(), inOrderContext).Show("Another two")
display1.VerifyWasCalledInOrder(Once(), inOrderContext).Show("Three")
Note that it's not necessary to verify the call for display.Show("Two")
if that one is not of any interested. An InOrderContext
only verifies that the verifications that are done, are in order.
phoneBook := NewMockPhoneBook()
// Stubbing:
When(phoneBook.GetPhoneNumber(AnyString())).Then(func(params []Param) ReturnValues {
return []ReturnValue{fmt.Sprintf("1-800-CALL-%v", strings.ToUpper(params[0]))}
// Prints "1-800-CALL-DAN":
// Prints "1-800-CALL-TOM":
In some cases it can be useful to capture the arguments from mock invocations and assert on them separately. This method is only recommended if the techniques using matchers are not sufficient.
display := NewMockDisplay()
// Calling mock
display.Show("Hello, again")
display.Show("And again")
// Verification and getting captured arguments
text := display.VerifyWasCalled(AtLeast(1)).Show(AnyString()).GetCapturedArguments()
// Captured arguments are from last invocation
Expect(text).To(Equal("And again"))
You can also get all captured arguments:
// Verification and getting all captured arguments
texts := display.VerifyWasCalled(AtLeast(1)).Show(AnyString()).GetAllCapturedArguments()
// Captured arguments are a slice
Expect(texts).To(ConsistOf("Hello", "Hello, again", "And again"))
When the code exercising the mock is run as part of a Goroutine, it's necessary to verify in a polling fashion until a timeout kicks in. VerifyWasCalledEventually
can help here:
display := NewMockDisplay()
go func() {
display.VerifyWasCalledEventually(Once(), 2*time.Second).Show("Hello")
Install it via:
go install
Go modules allow to pin not only a package but also a tool (that is, an executable). The steps are:
- Use a file named
with contents similar to this:
// +build tools
// This file will never be compiled (see the build constraint above); it is
// used to record dependencies on build tools with the Go modules machinery.
// See
package tools
import (
_ ""
- Set
to abin
directory relative to your repo (this defines where tool dependencies will be installed). - Install the tool with
go install
$ cd /path/to/myproject
$ export GOBIN=$PWD/bin
$ go install
- Use that
when invokingpegomock
for that project:
$ $GOBIN/pegomock ...
$ export PATH=$GOBIN:$PATH
$ pegomock ...
See Tools as dependencies for details.
To generate mocks, invoke Pegomock like this:
pegomock generate [<flags>] [<packagepath>] <interfacename>
Flags can be any of the following:
: Output file; defaults to mock__test.go. -
: Package of the generated code; defaults to the package from which pegomock was executed suffixed with _test
For more flags, run:
pegomock --help
There are a number of shortcomings in the current reflection-based implementation.
To overcome these, there is now an option to use a new, experimental implementation that is based on
To use it when generating your mocks, invoke pegomock
like this:
pegomock generate --use-experimental-model-gen [<flags>] [<packagepath>] <interfacename>
What are the benefits?
- The current default uses the reflect package to introspect the interface for which a mock should be generated. But reflection cannot determine method parameter names, only types. This forces the generator to generate them based on a pattern. In a code editor with code assistence, those pattern-based names (such as
) are non-descriptive and provide less help while writing code. The new implementation properly parses the source (including all dependent packages) and subsequently uses the same names as used in the interface definition. - With the current default you cannot generate an interface that lives in the
package. It's due to the way this implementation works: it imports the interface's package into temporarily generated code that gets compiled on the fly. This compilation fails, because there are now twomain
functions. - The new implementation is simpler and will probably become the default in the future, because it will be easier to maintain.
What are the drawbacks?
- There is only one drawback: maturity. The new implementation is not complete yet, and also might have some bugs that still need to be fixed.
Users of Pegomock are encouraged to use this new option and report any problems by opening an issue. Help to stabilize it is greatly appreciated.
can be used with go generate
. Simply add the directive to your source file.
Here's an example for a Display interface used by a calculator program:
// package/path/to/display/display.go
package display
type Display interface {
Show(text string)
// package/path/to/calculator/calculator_test.go
package calculator_test
//go:generate pegomock generate package/path/to/display Display
// Use generated mock
mockDisplay := NewMockDisplay()
Generating it:
cd package/path/to/calculator
go generate
Note: While you could add the directive adjacent to the interface definition, the author's opinion is that this violates clean dependency management and would pollute the package of the interface. It's better to generate the mock in the same package, where it is used (if this coincides with the interface package, that's fine). That way, not only stays the interface's package clean, the tests also don't need to prefix the mock with a package, or use a dot-import.
The watch
command lets Pegomock generate mocks continuously on every change to an interface:
pegomock watch
For this, Pegomock expects an interfaces_to_mock
file in the package directory where the mocks should be generated. In fact, pegomock watch
will create it for you if it doesn't exist yet. The contents of the file are similar to the ones of the generate
# Any line starting with a # is treated as comment.
# interface name without package specifies an Interface in the current package:
# generates a mock for SomeInterfacetaken from mypackage:
path/to/my/mypackage SomeInterface
# you can also specify a Go file:
# and use most of the flags from the "generate" command
--output my_special_output.go MyInterface
Flags can be:
: Recursively watch sub-directories as well.
Sometimes it can be useful to systematically remove all mocks and matcher files generated by Pegomock. For this purpose, there is the remove
command. By simply calling it from the current directory
pegomock remove
it will remove all Pegomock-generated files in the current directory. It supports additional flags, such as --recursive
to recursively remove all Pegomock-generated files in sub-directories as well. To see all possible options, run:
pegomock remove --help