- use at your own risk.
- App will automatically load keys and signs transactions.
- Loss of funds can easily occur if app is run anywhere but a fully secure and trusted environment.
- You are responsible for securing your keys
- The developer is not responsible in any way for how you may use the software, including loss of funds.
- The developer recommends that you do not use this software.
Configuration (to use aka-sweep, you need to define these):
- keyfiles:
- properties file:
with clear text passwords to unlock the account keyfiles - modified
address - modified
location of local aka rpc node. (optionally can use public node)
Optional config:
- number of blocks to wait for chain confirmation.
- gas prices
sweep logic:
- Load all accounts for keyfiles in given directory
- wait
number of confirmation blocks. - For each account, if it holds more than 5,000 aka
- do nothing if from-address matches txn in mem pool
- optionally, do nothing if to-address matches txn in mem pool
- transfer amount greater than 5k to destination address.
chain validation, watching for re-orgs:
- when a new block is received, a check is made that the parent block hash matches.
- If a block is received without a matching parent, the chain is walked back until the matching parent is found.
- The number of blocks that must be walked back is the height of a chain re-org.
- montioring the chain for large re-orgs is a way to monitor chain health.
run it:
- in IDE from Application.java
docker run -d -v /mnt/secure/aka-mn-keys:/secure <imageid>
- docker-compose build akroma-sweep
Waiting C
blocks at start allows time to load transacation mempool, which prevents flooding network with duplicate transactions w same nonce.
- accept cleartext private keys in addition to UTC--keyfile.json/password combo.
- gracful handing of node reboot. after reconnect, app will receive flood of old blocks as node re-syncs chain.
- transactions from all blocks are put in mem pool, even orphan blocks. no attempt is done to undo adding txn pool when block is found to be orphan.
- More chain attack checks:
- done: check parent block hash match, looking for high re-org height.
- check same miner mined unreasonably large number of sequential blocks (easily defeated by attacking miner using many addresses)