Thank you for checking-out my Mobile Legends Attribute Database.
We have 3 datasets for you to browse:
Hero Data
Item Data
Emblem Data
The data changes all the time. We constantly need to be on-top of making sure that the item, hero, and emblem stats, names, and modifiers are updated to match the data in-game. Since this data was mostly derived MANUALLY, it requires us to go in and make those changes in the datasets to match.
- Hero Base Attributes and Hero Metadata Schema are defined in the root/hero-meta.json
- Emblem and Item Modifiers follow the basic schema defined in root/modifiers-schema.json
- Emblem Metadata Schema is defined in root/emblem-meta.json
- Item Metadata Schema is defined in root/item-meta.json
Each of these follows the structure:
...this section repeatable per hero/item/emblem...}<br>
When calculating basic attributes we use the formula:
Hero Base Attributes + Emblem Modifiers + Equipment/Item Modifiers
NOTE: At present, we are only taking into account the MAXIMUM attribute calculation. Thus, when abilities have levels: e.g. 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80, we will only calculate modifications at 80 Additionally, we are assuming that emblems are at Level 3 on all tiers.
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