pH7Ortfolio is my simple portfolio website built with MeteorJs and Bootstrap frameworks.
If you like Meteor.js like me, you can see others I made here but there are not completely finished (sorry 😃).
Your server needs Node.js installed.
On production, don't forget to remove the Meteor insecure package, by typing the following in your project
meteor remove insecure
The easiest way to deploy and put your app live (to the galaxy, and beyond! :D), is by creating an account to, -> Galaxy App Hosting -> Signup for "Galaxy App Hosting" ($0.04/Container-Hour, not free anymore :( ).
Then -> Meteor Account Services -> New Application.
After, just go to your Meteor project through your console -> meteor deploy <MY_APP_NAME>
, enter your Meteor login and your app will be on the Galaxy (live) and available on the URL, <MY_APP_NAME>
You can send an email at pierrehenrysoria+github {{AT}} gmail {{D0T}} COM