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generalise auto derive of Continuous to GADT record syntax
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pa-ba committed Mar 14, 2024
1 parent f9d25bf commit 393a931
Showing 1 changed file with 11 additions and 17 deletions.
28 changes: 11 additions & 17 deletions src/AsyncRattus/Derive.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,25 +38,19 @@ mkClassP name = foldl AppT (ConT name)
{-| This function provides the name and the arity of the given data
constructor, and if it is a GADT also its type.
normalCon :: Con -> (Name,[StrictType], Maybe Type)
normalCon (NormalC constr args) = (constr, args, Nothing)
normalCon (RecC constr args) = (constr, map (\(_,s,t) -> (s,t)) args, Nothing)
normalCon (InfixC a constr b) = (constr, [a,b], Nothing)
normalCon :: Con -> [(Name,[StrictType], Maybe Type)]
normalCon (NormalC constr args) = [(constr, args, Nothing)]
normalCon (RecC constr args) = [(constr, map (\(_,s,t) -> (s,t)) args, Nothing)]
normalCon (InfixC a constr b) = [(constr, [a,b], Nothing)]
normalCon (ForallC _ _ constr) = normalCon constr
normalCon (GadtC (constr:_) args typ) = (constr,args,Just typ)
normalCon (GadtC (constr:_) args typ) = [(constr,args,Just typ)]
normalCon (RecGadtC (constr : _) args typ) = [(constr,map dropFst args,Just typ)]
where dropFst (_,x,y) = (x,y)
normalCon _ = error "missing case for 'normalCon'"

normalCon' :: Con -> (Name,[Type], Maybe Type)
normalCon' con = (n, map snd ts, t)
where (n, ts, t) = normalCon con

-- | Same as normalCon' but expands type synonyms.
normalConExp :: Con -> Q (Name,[Type], Maybe Type)
normalConExp c = do
let (n,ts,t) = normalCon' c
return (n, ts,t)

normalCon' :: Con -> [(Name,[Type], Maybe Type)]
normalCon' con = map conv (normalCon con)
where conv (n, ts, t) = (n, map snd ts, t)

mkInstanceD :: Cxt -> Type -> [Dec] -> Dec
mkInstanceD cxt ty decs = InstanceD Nothing cxt ty decs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,7 +79,7 @@ continuous fname = do
complType = foldl AppT (ConT name) argNames
preCond = map (mkClassP ''Continuous . (: [])) argNames
classType = AppT (ConT ''Continuous) complType
constrs' <- mapM normalConExp constrs
let constrs' = concatMap normalCon' constrs
promDecl <- funD 'progressInternal (promClauses constrs')
return [mkInstanceD preCond classType [promDecl]]
where promClauses = map genPromClause
Expand Down

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