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fix all lazy data type warnings
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pa-ba committed Jun 25, 2024
1 parent 1cc696a commit ef23a17
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Showing 8 changed files with 166 additions and 144 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion WidgetRattus.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ library
hashtables >= 1.3.1 && < 1.4,
simple-affine-space >= 0.2.1 && < 0.3,
transformers >= 0.5.6 && < 0.7,
template-haskell >= 2.17 && < 2.22
template-haskell >= 2.17 && < 2.22,
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -W
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions examples/gui/gui.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ build-type: Simple
executable gui
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: GUI.hs
other-modules: AsyncRattus.Widgets, Counter, TemperatureConverter, FlightBooker, Timer, Calculator
other-modules: AsyncRattus.Widgets, AsyncRattus.Widgets.Types, Counter, TemperatureConverter, FlightBooker, Timer, Calculator
default-language: Haskell2010
build-depends: WidgetRattus>=0.2, base, text, monomer, containers
build-depends: WidgetRattus>=0.2, base, text, monomer, containers, deepseq
116 changes: 7 additions & 109 deletions examples/gui/src/AsyncRattus/Widgets.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,15 +2,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use newtype instead of data" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use const" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use void" #-}

module AsyncRattus.Widgets where

module AsyncRattus.Widgets
(module AsyncRattus.Widgets.Types, module AsyncRattus.Widgets ) where

import AsyncRattus
import AsyncRattus.Widgets.Types
import AsyncRattus.Plugin.Annotation
import AsyncRattus.Signal
import AsyncRattus.Channels ( chan, wait, C(C), Chan )
import Data.Text
Expand All @@ -22,116 +21,14 @@ import Data.IntSet as IntSet

import qualified Monomer

-- The Displayable typeclass is used to define the display function.
-- The display function is used to convert a datatype to Text.
class Displayable a where
display :: a -> Text

-- The identity function.
instance Displayable Text where
display :: Text -> Text
display x = x

-- Convert Int to Text via String.
instance Displayable Int where
display x = pack (show x)

-- The IsWidget typeclass is used to define the mkWidget function.
class Continuous a => IsWidget a where
mkWidget :: a -> Monomer.WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent

-- The AppModel datatype used to contain the Widget passed to runApplication.
-- The associated clock is a set of timers.
-- Any timers created with mkTimerEvent will be added to the clock.
data AppModel where
AppModel :: IsWidget a => !a -> !Clock -> AppModel

-- Instance decleration for AppModel making it possible to
-- compare two AppModels.
instance (Eq AppModel) where
(==) :: AppModel -> AppModel -> Bool
_ == _ = False

-- AppEvent data type used to convert channels into events.
data AppEvent where
AppEvent :: !(Chan a) -> !a -> AppEvent

-- Coustom data types for widgets.
data Widget where
Widget :: IsWidget a => !a -> !(Sig Bool) -> Widget

data Button where
Button :: (Displayable a, Stable a) => {btnContent :: !(Sig a) , btnClick :: !(Chan ())} -> Button

data TextField = TextField {tfContent :: !(Sig Text), tfInput :: !(Chan Text)}

data Label where
Label :: (Displayable a, Stable a) => {labText :: !(Sig a)} -> Label

data HStack = HStack {hGrp :: !(Sig (List Widget))}

data VStack = VStack {vGrp :: !(Sig (List Widget))}

data TextDropdown = TextDropdown {tddCurr :: !(Sig Text), tddEvent :: !(Chan Text), tddList :: !(Sig (List Text))}

data Popup = Popup {popCurr :: !(Sig Bool), popEvent :: !(Chan Bool), popChild :: !(Sig Widget)}

data Slider = Slider {sldCurr :: !(Sig Int), sldEvent :: !(Chan Int), sldMin :: !(Sig Int), sldMax :: !(Sig Int)}

-- Template Haskell code for generating instances of Continous.
continuous ''Button
continuous ''TextField
continuous ''Label
continuous ''Widget
continuous ''HStack
continuous ''VStack
continuous ''TextDropdown
continuous ''Popup
continuous ''Slider

-- isWidget Instance declerations for Widgets.
-- Here widgget data types are passed to Monomer constructors.
instance IsWidget Button where
mkWidget :: Button -> Monomer.WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
mkWidget Button{btnContent = txt ::: _ , btnClick = click} =
Monomer.button (display txt) (AppEvent click ())

instance IsWidget TextField where
mkWidget :: TextField -> Monomer.WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
mkWidget TextField{tfContent = txt ::: _, tfInput = inp} =
Monomer.textFieldV txt (AppEvent inp)

instance IsWidget Label where
mkWidget :: Label -> Monomer.WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
mkWidget Label{labText = txt ::: _} = Monomer.label (display txt)

instance IsWidget HStack where
mkWidget :: HStack -> Monomer.WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
mkWidget HStack{hGrp = ws} = Monomer.hstack (fmap mkWidget (current ws))

instance IsWidget VStack where
mkWidget :: VStack -> Monomer.WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
mkWidget VStack{vGrp = ws} = Monomer.vstack (fmap mkWidget (current ws))

instance IsWidget TextDropdown where
mkWidget :: TextDropdown -> Monomer.WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
mkWidget TextDropdown{tddList = opts ::: _, tddCurr = curr ::: _, tddEvent = ch}
= Monomer.textDropdownV curr (AppEvent ch) opts

instance IsWidget Popup where
mkWidget :: Popup -> Monomer.WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
mkWidget Popup{popCurr = curr ::: _, popEvent = ch, popChild = child}
= Monomer.popupV curr (AppEvent ch) (mkWidget (current child))

instance IsWidget Slider where
mkWidget :: Slider -> Monomer.WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
mkWidget Slider{sldCurr = curr ::: _, sldEvent = ch, sldMin = min ::: _, sldMax = max ::: _}
= Monomer.hsliderV curr (AppEvent ch) min max
display x = toText x

instance IsWidget Widget where
mkWidget :: Widget -> Monomer.WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
mkWidget (Widget w (e ::: _)) = Monomer.nodeEnabled (mkWidget w) e

-- Function to construct a Widget that never gets disabled
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,6 +133,7 @@ mkTimerEvent n cb = (threadDelay n >> cb (AppEvent (Chan n) ())) >> return ()

-- runApplication takes as input a widget and starts the GUI applicaiton
-- by calling Monomer's startApp function.
{-# ANN runApplication AllowLazyData #-}
runApplication :: IsWidget a => C a -> IO ()
runApplication (C w) = do
w' <- w
Expand Down
109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions examples/gui/src/AsyncRattus/Widgets/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@

{-# OPTIONS -fplugin=AsyncRattus.Plugin #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module AsyncRattus.Widgets.Types where

import AsyncRattus
import AsyncRattus.InternalPrimitives
import AsyncRattus.Signal
import AsyncRattus.Channels ( chan, wait, C(C), Chan )
import Data.Text

import qualified Monomer
{-# ANN module AllowLazyData #-}

-- The Displayable typeclass is used to define the display function.
-- The display function is used to convert a datatype to Text.
class Displayable a where
display :: a -> Text

-- The AppModel datatype used to contain the Widget passed to runApplication.
-- The associated clock is a set of timers.
-- Any timers created with mkTimerEvent will be added to the clock.
data AppModel where
AppModel :: IsWidget a => !a -> !Clock -> AppModel

instance (Eq AppModel) where
_ == _ = False

-- AppEvent data type used to convert channels into events.
data AppEvent where
AppEvent :: !(Chan a) -> !a -> AppEvent

-- The IsWidget typeclass is used to define the mkWidget function.
class Continuous a => IsWidget a where
mkWidget :: a -> Monomer.WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
-- Coustom data types for widgets.
data Widget where
Widget :: IsWidget a => !a -> !(Sig Bool) -> Widget

data HStack = HStack {hGrp :: !(Sig (List Widget))}

data VStack = VStack {vGrp :: !(Sig (List Widget))}

data TextDropdown = TextDropdown {tddCurr :: !(Sig Text), tddEvent :: !(Chan Text), tddList :: !(Sig (List Text))}

data Popup = Popup {popCurr :: !(Sig Bool), popEvent :: !(Chan Bool), popChild :: !(Sig Widget)}

data Slider = Slider {sldCurr :: !(Sig Int), sldEvent :: !(Chan Int), sldMin :: !(Sig Int), sldMax :: !(Sig Int)}

data Button where
Button :: (Displayable a, Stable a) => {btnContent :: !(Sig a) , btnClick :: !(Chan ())} -> Button

data Label where
Label :: (Displayable a, Stable a) => {labText :: !(Sig a)} -> Label

data TextField = TextField {tfContent :: !(Sig Text), tfInput :: !(Chan Text)}

-- Template Haskell code for generating instances of Continous.
continuous ''Button
continuous ''TextField
continuous ''Label
continuous ''Widget
continuous ''HStack
continuous ''VStack
continuous ''TextDropdown
continuous ''Popup
continuous ''Slider

-- isWidget Instance declerations for Widgets.
-- Here widgget data types are passed to Monomer constructors.
instance IsWidget Button where
mkWidget Button{btnContent = txt ::: _ , btnClick = click} =
Monomer.button (display txt) (AppEvent click ())

instance IsWidget TextField where
mkWidget TextField{tfContent = txt ::: _, tfInput = inp} =
Monomer.textFieldV txt (AppEvent inp)

instance IsWidget Label where
mkWidget Label{labText = txt ::: _} = Monomer.label (display txt)

instance IsWidget HStack where
mkWidget HStack{hGrp = ws} = Monomer.hstack (fmap mkWidget (current ws))

instance IsWidget VStack where
mkWidget VStack{vGrp = ws} = Monomer.vstack (fmap mkWidget (current ws))

instance IsWidget TextDropdown where
mkWidget TextDropdown{tddList = opts ::: _, tddCurr = curr ::: _, tddEvent = ch}
= Monomer.textDropdownV curr (AppEvent ch) opts

instance IsWidget Popup where
mkWidget Popup{popCurr = curr ::: _, popEvent = ch, popChild = child}
= Monomer.popupV curr (AppEvent ch) (mkWidget (current child))

instance IsWidget Slider where
mkWidget Slider{sldCurr = curr ::: _, sldEvent = ch, sldMin = min ::: _, sldMax = max ::: _}
= Monomer.hsliderV curr (AppEvent ch) min max

instance IsWidget Widget where
mkWidget (Widget w (e ::: _)) = Monomer.nodeEnabled (mkWidget w) e
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions examples/gui/src/Calculator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO )
import Control.Monad
import Prelude hiding (map, const, zipWith, zip, filter, getLine, putStrLn,null)
import Data.Text.IO
import Data.Text hiding (filter, map, all)
import Data.Text hiding (filter, map, all, foldl1)
import qualified AsyncRattus.Widgets
import Data.Text.Array (equal)
import Monomer.Common.Lens (HasY(y), HasX (x))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ calc = do
mapAwait (box (\ _ _ -> 0))
(interleave (box (\ a b -> a)) (interleave (box (\ a b -> a)) (btnOnClickSig addBut) (btnOnClickSig subBut)) (btnOnClickSig eqBut))

let sigList = [onclick0, onclick1, onclick2, onclick3, onclick4, onclick5, onclick6, onclick7, onclick8, onclick9, resetSig] :: [O (Sig (Int->Int))]
let combinedSig = Prelude.foldl1 (interleave (box (\ a b -> a))) sigList
let sigList = [onclick0, onclick1, onclick2, onclick3, onclick4, onclick5, onclick6, onclick7, onclick8, onclick9, resetSig] :: List (O (Sig (Int->Int)))
let combinedSig = foldl1 (interleave (box (\ a b -> a))) sigList

let numberSig = scanAwait (box (\ a f-> f a)) 0 combinedSig
let bufferedSig = buffer 0 numberSig
Expand Down
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions examples/gui/src/FlightBooker.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,48 +14,48 @@ import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO )
import Control.Monad
import Prelude hiding (map, const, zipWith, zip, filter, getLine, putStrLn,null)
import Data.Text.IO
import Data.Text hiding (filter, map, all)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text (Text, unpack, splitOn)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing, isJust)
import Control.DeepSeq

-- Benchmark 3
isDate :: Text -> Bool
isDate txt = case splitOn "-" txt of
isDate txt = case splitOn' "-" txt of
[dayStr, monthStr, yearStr] ->
let day = readMaybe (unpack dayStr) :: Maybe Int
month = readMaybe (unpack monthStr) :: Maybe Int
year = readMaybe (unpack yearStr) :: Maybe Int
let day = readMaybe' dayStr
month = readMaybe' monthStr
year = readMaybe' yearStr
in isValid day month year
_ -> False
isValid :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool
isValid (Just d) (Just m) (Just y)
isValid :: Maybe' Int -> Maybe' Int -> Maybe' Int -> Bool
isValid (Just' d) (Just' m) (Just' y)
| m < 1 || m > 12 = False
| d < 1 || d > daysInMonth m y = False
| otherwise = True
isValid _ _ _ = False

daysInMonth :: Int -> Int -> Int
daysInMonth m y
| m `Prelude.elem` ([4, 6, 9, 11] :: [Int]) = 30
| m `elem` ([4, 6, 9, 11] :: List Int) = 30
| m == 2 = if isLeapYear y then 29 else 28
| otherwise = 31

isLeapYear :: Int -> Bool
isLeapYear y = y `mod` 4 == 0 && (y `mod` 100 /= 0 || y `mod` 400 == 0)

isLater :: Text -> Text -> Bool
isLater dep ret = case (splitOn "-" dep, splitOn "-" ret) of
isLater dep ret = case (splitOn' "-" dep, splitOn' "-" ret) of
([depDayStr, depMonthStr, depYearStr], [retDayStr, retMonthStr, retYearStr]) ->
let depDay = readMaybe (unpack depDayStr) :: Maybe Int
depMonth = readMaybe (unpack depMonthStr) :: Maybe Int
depYear = readMaybe (unpack depYearStr) :: Maybe Int
retDay = readMaybe (unpack retDayStr) :: Maybe Int
retMonth = readMaybe (unpack retMonthStr) :: Maybe Int
retYear = readMaybe (unpack retYearStr) :: Maybe Int
in all isJust ([depDay, depMonth, depYear, retDay, retMonth, retYear] :: [Maybe Int]) &&
let depDay = readMaybe' depDayStr
depMonth = readMaybe' depMonthStr
depYear = readMaybe' depYearStr
retDay = readMaybe' retDayStr
retMonth = readMaybe' retMonthStr
retYear = readMaybe' retYearStr
in all isJust' ([depDay, depMonth, depYear, retDay, retMonth, retYear] :: List (Maybe' Int)) &&
(depYear < retYear ||
(depYear == retYear && (depMonth < retMonth ||
(depMonth == retMonth && depDay < retDay))))
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions examples/gui/src/TemperatureConverter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ import GHC.TypeError (ErrorMessage(Text))
celsiusToFahrenheit :: Text -> Text
celsiusToFahrenheit t =
case signed decimal t of
Right (t', _) -> pack $ show (t' * 9 `div` 5 + 32)
Right (t', _) -> toText (t' * 9 `div` 5 + 32)
Left _ -> "Invalid input"

fahrenheitToCelsius :: Text -> Text
fahrenheitToCelsius t =
case signed decimal t of
Right (t', _) -> pack $ show ((t' - 32) * 5 `div` 9)
Right (t', _) -> toText ((t' - 32) * 5 `div` 9)
Left _ -> "Invalid input"

-- Initial version of benchmark 2.
Expand Down

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