ipinfodb.com PHP API Client. You have to register for an API key first.
You can install the library using composer:
"require" : {
"pabloprieto/ipinfodb" : "v1.0"
Country precision (faster) :
$ipInfo = new IpInfoDb('your_api_key');
$response = $ipInfo->country($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if ($response->isSuccess()) {
echo $response->getCountryName();
} else {
echo $response->getStatusMessage();
City precision :
$ipInfo = new IpInfoDb('your_api_key');
$response = $ipInfo->city($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if ($response->isSuccess()) {
echo $response->getCityName();
} else {
echo $response->getStatusMessage();
This library plays nice the most popular http clients by using egeloen/ivory-http-adapter to issue HTTP requests. You can pass any Ivory\HttpAdapter\HttpAdapterInterface instance to the constructor. The Curl adapter is used by default.
Example using Guzzle :
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Ivory\HttpAdapter\GuzzleHttpHttpAdapter;
$httpAdapter = new GuzzleHttpHttpAdapter();
$ipInfo = new IpInfoDb('your_api_key', $httpAdapter);